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Sex Questions (Page 10)

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Displaying 617 questions associated with Sex.

Do the sexual side effects ever get better or go away while using 20 mg of citalopram?

I have been taking 20 mg of citalopram for almost a month and am having problems during sex, I am having difficulty achieving an orgasm. I am a male and wonder if any other men have or had this problem and if it gets better after prolonged use of this drug? This is the only antidepressant I take .

Will I get pregnant if I remove my implant after sex Hence had sex on Thursday & removal is Tuesday?

Am wondering if I should worry about being pregnant after I get my implanon removed on Tuesday as I had unprotected sex on Thursday? Is it possible that the sperm will still be alive and waiting to reach an egg by Tuesday?

I had protected sex then took plan b just in case. But my nipples are getting darker and Im scared!?

I woke up the morn after i had sex with heavy tingly breast so i rushed and took plan b and it stopped. My period is supposed to start today but im scared. Maybe im overly paranoid but could i be pregnant?

I had unprotected sex on day 6 on the Implanon insertion?

So I'm 19 and I got the Implanon 8:30am in September 24th. I had sex around 1:00pm on Monday the 30th of September. I didn't have my period when I got the Implanon. The doctor said I could have sex 7 days after the Implant. Even though I had sex day 6 I should be fine right? Just making... read more

My boyfriend is taking Sotalol 80mg tab. He has been having problems with sexual activities?

He has been having problems with erections. He has tried taking Viagra and that didnt even help. He stopped taking this medication because he wants his sex life back. Is the problem with the sexual activities long term or will it stop once the medication is out of his system?

NuvaRing - I'm on my ring free week, should my boyfriend not ejaculate inside me?

I'm on my ring free week, but my period isn't due for another 3 days. When my boyfriend and I have sex he usually comes inside me. Is it still okay for him to do this if I'm on my ring free week? Is there a chance I could get pregnant if he does?

How can I change the time I take my birth control?

I've been on birth control, ortho-Tri cycles for over a year now and I take it everyday at 2:45pm and I want to change my time to 10:00pm is that okay? Would I still be protected if I had sex a couple days after changing my time? Help

Depression - Does Prednisone effect your sex drive?

Or is it just from the depression side effect... I know my doctor warned me about the depression that may start after I had to increase my dosage to 20mg a day. She did not however warn me about any other side effects and I think I am losing my sex drive, either as a direct side effect or it is... read more

Took Plan B, But threw up an hour later. Do you think it still worked? I've been having cramps?

I had sex the day of my period and took the plan b pill about 40 hours later. I threw the pill up about an hour after taking it. Wondering if anyone else has done this and still not gotten pregnant. I have been having slight cramps and lower back pain.

Can I get pregnant if I missed my last Depo shot ?

My last shot was on January the 4 2014 of this year and I suppose to take the next shot on April the 4, but I didnt . It been four months now and its August. But me and myboyfriend had sex last week three times and he cum in me. But my period been on for a whole month but in between the day it will... read more

Birth control pills, antibiotics, sore tips of nipples?

Hi, I've been on combined monophasic bc pills for the past year or so. I noticed today that I have sore nipples. Only the tips of them, though. I had sex without a condom with my boyfriend 4 times, all with him finishing outside of me (not effective, I know). I was on antibiotics in early... read more

Pregnancy - Hi . I'm 16 and me and my boyfriend had sex for the first time two days ago?

... it was the first time for both of us, and we did use a condom. ( Before we even had sex, I was experiencing some cramping here and there for days, so I knew it would be my period probably coming soon ) . We had sex for about 2-5 min. We stopped because we were interrupted by someone. Then he... read more

I took plan b twice in one month. My period is 3 weeks late. Could I be pregnant?

Me and my boyfriend use the pull out method and one day he pulled out a little late, so I took plan b. I got my period one week later. About 3 weeks after that we had unprotected sex again and he actually ejaculated inside of me. So, I took plan b about 6 hours later. That was on Aug 9th. My period... read more

Wellbutrin XL - I took 2 150mg pills today. I feel awful?

I was on another drug for anxiety and feeling pretty good - except it took away my sex drive. I talked to my Dr and he switched me to this. I have only been on it a few days. I started at 150mg with half a dose of the other stuff for a week. Then I move to x2 150. (I have yet to fill my 300mg... read more

Nexplanon - I've had unprotected sex within two days of my placement of my implant. Am I safe?

I had gotten my period on 2/10/15, it ended on 2/14/15. I got my period prematurely due to the fact that I took a Plan B, because the condom broke during sex. I took the Plan B on 2/7/14. Got my implant placed in on 2/23/15, two days ago. So technically I got the implant 9 days after my period... read more

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