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Psychiatry Questions (Page 4)

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Displaying 79 questions associated with Psychiatry.

Take 60 mg of mirtazapine per day?

I am taking 30 mg of mirtazapine per day. My psychiatrist wants to increase my dose to 60 mg. On the package insert of the drug it is written that the maximum dose is 45mg. I am afraid to take 60mg; Is there a reason why the instructions say that the maximum dose is 45 mg? Thank you

How long after taking Zoloft does the brainfog go away?

Hello, I have been taking Zoloft for about two years (50mg/day). Three months ago my psychiatrist and I decided to stop the treatment. At first I went to 25mg a day, then every other day after a while and now it's been three weeks since I've been taking it at all. While taking Zoloft, I... read more

Is Gabapentin effective as a mood stabilizer?

My psychiatrist recently put me on Gabapentin for as a mood stabilizer/ to address anxiety and depression ( we're exploring a possible Bipolar II diagnosis as well). I'm not taking any other meds and have had negative reactions to several SSRIs. What have people's experiences been... read more

Mirtazapine - Sertraline+ mirtazapine combo?

I stopped feeling benefits of Sertraline after 10 good years & my psychiatrist added 7.5mg Mirtazapine. Started to sleep well, even felt less anxious & depressed, after 10 days started to feel bad again, so he upped dose to 15mg. Within 2 days felt much better, but now feelng a bit anxious... read more

On 0.5mg Xanax once daily for 30 years-?

The doctor who prescribed Xanax to me for so long is retiring and the new doctor will not prescribe Xanax. She said I'd have to go to a psychiatrist and explain to him my situation. She wants to put me on Buspar. I am thinking of tapering off and not taking either. I am taking the whole 0.5mg... read more

How long until Remeron / mirtazapine helped with your anxiety?

I have tried so many SSRI's with no luck and horrible side effects. My psychiatrist started me on mirtazapine. 15mg first week and 30mg second week. I am on day 15. I take this at night. First week I was super tired and had extreme dizziness. Then followed with intense headaches. Those have... read more

Namenda - Memantine - I was given this medication recently by my psychiatrist for off label use.

What an absolutely horrific last two days had a horrible adverse reaction to an anxiety med which caused me to have some of the absolute worst anxiety! As well as numerous other side less severe side effects. My heart rate was as high as 135 at times. Paiged doctor she immediately had me stop med... read more

Is it normal to go from 15 mg of Lexapro to 20 mg of Lexapro I’ve been taking 15mg and went off?

I am now on 15 mg after being off of it for 15 days is it going to take the full 6 to 8 weeks again to see the full affects my psychiatrist wants me to try Pregablin 25 mg twice a day I’m a little afraid to go to that medicine. I’ve never heard of it. I’m very sensitive to meds... read more

Wellbutrin side effects? Are these normal?

I am a 41-year-old male currently experiencing a major relapse in OCD and Depression. Because it was such a long wait to see a psychiatrist, my family doctor prescribed me Wellbutrin for the depression (feeling hopeless, and suicidal ideations). Today is two weeks since I started and I would like... read more

Does is safe to take buspar with mirtazapine?

Greetings, today I had an appointment with the psychiatrist and he prescribed buspar 5mg twice a day for anxiety, but it worries me because I take 15mg of mirtazapine and 2mg of lorazepam to sleep and it appeared to me on the Internet that it is not good to mix buspar with mirtazapine. Is it safe... read more

I'd like to stop taking clomipramine?

I'd like to stop this medicine. I'm on 25mg for 5 weeks and getting nothing from it. I tried going up to 50 and the side effects were too much. Do I need to taper or can I just stop? My psychiatrist wants me to stay on it, so she won't give me advice on this. I went to another psyc... read more

Is it possibile that venlafaxine ruined my health?

My psychiatrist decided that I should get off it. So I did. It was horrible I was in so much pain I don't even remember it well. It was too quick for me.. almost cold turkey. Then I started to have stomach problems and chronic pain. My anxiety got so bad I still have problems leaving my home.... read more

When can I take my clonazepam after taking Zonisamide at 9pm?

So I’m prescribed clonazepam by my psychiatrist for a recent development in anxiety. So I wanted to ask this question but forgot to in my session with him. I’m also prescribed Zonisamide for General Epilepsy and had them first when I was 17.

Is doxepin like an antihistamine?

I currently take mirtazapine 15mg and trazodone less than 25mg. I'm very sensitive to medications and I reacted to trazodone with wakefulness. My allergist suggested doxepin. My psychiatrist wanted to add the doxepin at 3mg. Is it like an antihistamine? I tract horrible to antihistamines with... read more

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