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Pregnancy Questions (Page 17)

Related terms: Pregnant, Prego, Conceive

Displaying 534 questions associated with Pregnancy.

Late period on NuvaRing?

Okay so I've been using NuvaRing for a little over four months now. Previously I was on the pill for years. While on the pill I frequently had irregular periods. The first month on NuvaRing my period was one day late from when I took the ring out. The second and third month my period started... read more

Monistat 7 - My cream keeps leakeing what do I do?

Ive had yeast infection for 4 months now and am pregnant almost 7 months i cant get any better used the vaginal cream for 3 days but it keeps leaking any sugestions

Plan b yellow discharge?

Abuout a week ago I took plan b one step and now I'm having yellow spotting and when I clean I have yellow there too! Can this be pregancy? Please help

I took plan B last month. My breasts have been sore for weeks I took 3 pregnancy tests, all negative

I took plan B last month and had a normal period after. This month my period came on the exact day I expected it to, but it was much lighter. My breasts have been sore for about a month now. I've take 3 pregnancy tests and they have all been negative. Is this a possible hormone imbalance from... read more

Terconazole - Am I supposed to whipe off the cream when it starts to leak? I'm new to this?

I'm 7 months pregnant and got my first yeast infection.. I was prescribed terconazole .4 and I inserted the cream at night around 11pm and i woke up around 4am to use the restroom and the cream has been leaking since then. Am I supposed to be whipping it off as it comes out or leaving it the... read more

Are these symptoms normal after missing a birth control pill?

I accidently missed a pill on 4/26 and began to spot a few hours later. The next day on 4/27 it turned into heavy bleeding and cramps. I had realized I missed a pill when I popped out Sundays pill instead of Mondays pill. I doubled up and took two. I called my doctor and she said that it was normal... read more

Probability of pregnancy after taking plan b one step?

My boyfriend and I had sex twice on the 4th of October. I took the plan b one step pill in about 13 hours from when we had sex. According to my menstrual cycle app, that is the second day of when I am suppose to be fertile and predicts that I will ovulate on the 6th. What's my chances of... read more

I took a morning after pill on the day of ovulation?

I had unprotected sex ( he did not com inside me he pulled out) two days before ovulation I then took an morning after pill on the day of ovulation. I want to know if I could still get pregnant?

Finasteride - I see there are warnings not to take Finestride while trying to conceive. How long?

... must I be off Finestride 5mg to make sure it's out of my system?

Can I be pregnant if I had sex the day before and the day after I got my NEXPLANON removed?

I had sex and the day before and after after I got my implant removed and haven't had my period since the day I got my implant removed. Could I be pregnant? I was put on the pill the same day I got my NEXPLANON removed.

Can I get pregnant on fertile days or only on my ovulation day?

I have been with my boyfriend for 6 years. We have a 5yr old daughter. Found out he was cheating on me this whole time. So out of desperation I ended up having sex with my ex whom I was with for 9 years. Now I'm pregnant. My concern is I'm not really to sure who the father is. During my... read more

Dark yellow urine in the morning what does it mean?

Hi I have very yellow color urine early in the morning once I go 2 3 times it becomes neutral color again If I don't go for hours it turns out yellow what does it it related to pregnancy bcoz I took that test too and it was showing negative and I had my periods please... read more

Pregnancy symptoms after taking Plan B?

I had sex with my boyfriend Jan 20th we used condoms, my boyfriend told me that I had nothing to worry about but I was still feeling scared afterwards, So I purchased the Plan b pill right the next day (Jan 21st), so I did take it within 24 hours. Three days later I noticed that my breasts were... read more

Can I be pregnant after getting the Nexplanon removed ?

I got it removed on January 17 2017 and it has been 18 days and I have not had my period and I have had sex with out a condom. Could I be pregnant?

Can you become pregnant when using a condom that didn't break and where no ejaculation occurred?

I've never had sex before. My boyfriend stuck it in three times without a condom and I took a Plan B the next day. About three days later we had sex with a condom for about three minutes. The condom didn't break, and he didn't ejaculate at all. Not before, during, or after the sex.... read more

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