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Plan B One-Step Questions (Page 7)

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Displaying 318 questions associated with Plan B One-Step.

Dark Brown discharge or blood after taking Plan b?

My last period started on Dec 26 and ended Jan 1. My boyfriend and I had sex for the first time Jan 3 and we used a condom and he came in me. It wasnt until after he pulled out we realized the condom broke. 40 mins later i go to the store and take Plan b. Its been 6 days since i took the pill and i... read more

Plan B One-Step- 3 days of heavy bleeding, 5 negative hpts, but no true period a month later?

On March 25 the condom broke during sex, but neither my partner or I realized this until after he had finished. We immediately went to the pharmacy to get Plan B One Step, so I took it between 30 minutes-1 hour after. The next week, from March 30-April 1, I had extremely heavy bleeding that was... read more

Taking the Plan B pill too early?

I am 17 year old , I had protected sexual intercourse with my boyfriend and the condom broke , most of the sperm was still inside the condom(I washed all that was still inside of me about an hour later). The intercourse happened around 11:00 PM (on July 31) and i took the pill about half an hour... read more

Pregnancy symptoms after taking Plan B?

I had sex with my boyfriend Jan 20th we used condoms, my boyfriend told me that I had nothing to worry about but I was still feeling scared afterwards, So I purchased the Plan b pill right the next day (Jan 21st), so I did take it within 24 hours. Three days later I noticed that my breasts were... read more

Can you become pregnant when using a condom that didn't break and where no ejaculation occurred?

I've never had sex before. My boyfriend stuck it in three times without a condom and I took a Plan B the next day. About three days later we had sex with a condom for about three minutes. The condom didn't break, and he didn't ejaculate at all. Not before, during, or after the sex.... read more

Pregnancy/PMS symptoms a month after taking Plan B. Late period. Is it normal or Am I pregnant?

Hello everyone. Your answers would mean a lot to me. I am freaking out because of my current situation. I had sex for the first time last Feb 19. We used condom but it slipped outside and he already ejaculated in the condom. We didn't notice it right away. So we continued for a few seconds. I... read more

Plan B - is it normal for my last two periods are lighter?

ever since i took plan b, my periods in the past two months have been much lighter and quite irregular. by much i mean it'll stop and start, it lasts a good 5-6 days. but it isn't enough blood to even fill a liner but it's not spotting either. should i worry?

Can you bleed 9 days after taking emergency contraceptive?

My birth control failed on Dec. 3rd and I took the off-brand of Plan B (same Levonorgestrel mg dose of Plan B One-Step) an hour afterwards. Fast forward to 9 days later (Dec. 12th) and I am experiencing spotting (which I've never experienced before in my life). I know everyone reacts... read more

Will Plan B work if taken right before Ovulation?

My girlfriend and me were using a condom and it broke. Though it was only halfway in during ejaculation (not sure if this matters). A decent amount of the semen ended up dripping out onto the sheets (again not sure if this matters). We rushed to the store and she took the pill Plan B one step about... read more

Took Plan B - bled for 2 days. Now my regular period is late. Is this normal?

On May 26th, I had sex and the condom slipped, we didn't think there was a concern, but I got Plan B just to be safe. A week after I took it, I bled heavily for 2 days. My period for this month, June, is late, should I be worried? Or is this normal for plan b? I've been discharging a lot... read more

Is this the side effects of Plan B or early pregnancy symptoms? Please Help!!?

Ever since I lost my virginity to my boyfriend last month, I have become sexually active and since then my period comes every month but not regularly. My cycle ranges from 28-32 days every month. Sometimes it comes a week after my expected period. Recently though, I had started my period on June 6,... read more

I feel like I’m on an emotional rollercoaster. Could an it be the Plan B pill?

I took Plan B about two weeks ago, and I feel as though my mind and emotions are affecting my day to day activities. I don’t eat, all I do is cry and sleep. I’ve been this way since I took the pill I feel depressed and sad every time I’m up. Could the hormones have something to do... read more

Plan B One-Step - Does the pill work if you only take half of it?

I weigh 115 pounds and I didn't want to take the whole thing because it has such a high hormone dosage I was afraid of side effects. I also don't get a regular period.

Plan B - second period is late?

I had sex October 12th and the condom had slipped so to be safe I went out to buy Plan B ( Take Action to be more specific ). I took it on October 13th before 12pm. I got my period as planned on October 20th, and it lasted 6 days. Now I am here waiting for my second period to come and I am 2 days... read more

Having sex multiple times and taking one Plan B.

If I have sex twice on Saturday night and twice Sunday night and I take one Plan B on Tuesday morning (because that's before the 72 hours is up for Saturday) am I protected for all of it?

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