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Pill Questions (Page 39)

Displaying 872 questions associated with Pill.

I have taken 2 of 3 doses of fluconazole for a complicated yeast infection. This is the third try?

... but without creams this go around. I took the first pill thursday the second sunday and will take the final Wednesday. My question is, is it normal to have more discharge than before i started the pills? I feel physically alot more sick then the previous 2 attempts. I wanted to try boric acid... read more

What is the next best cholesterol lowering pill? Crestor is not working.

Just getting way too many side effects with the generic Crestor. Is there a safer or less side effects cholesterol lowering medicine, other than Lipitor?

M30 oxycodone pill manufactured by Mallinckrodt?

Its becoming very difficult to tell the difference between authentic M30 oxycodone pills and counterfeit ones. Im not sure if my pharmacy filled my prescription with genuine medication. The description of the pill is below ( One side of the small round sky blue pill has an M in a box, and the other... read more

Side effects after prednisone?

I quit taking prednisone 10 after taking 8 pills over two days because I developed a rash. That was 4 days ago. I feel I am developing withdrawal problems with very low blood sugar and extreme fatigue. Is that possible after such a short time on them?

How to take lithium for better results?

I take lithium 900 mg (3 pills of 300 mg) at night before sleep. Is it OK to take them all in one time? What is the maximum dose of the drug? Is it better to divide the drug twice? Once in the morning and once in the evening? Will it have a greater impact on bipolar disorder? Will it get me down if... read more

Was just prescribed gabapentin?

I was just prescribed 100mg, 1 to 2 pills as-needed for anxiety. Although with anxiety I am afraid to try them because of all the side effects and problems that could happen. How do you get past the fear of the side effects and problems?

Does the morning after pill work 2 days before ovulation?

On Jan-3-2020, 20-30 minutes after intercourse I bought my pill. I realized that I was in my fertile window. Two days later, Jan-5 I tested positive for ovulating and I don’t know if the pill failed. I am scared that I am pregnant and I am wondering if there are any answers out there.

Escitalopram - pills have affected my sex life?

I've been taking 10mg a day for about 13months now and it has affected my sex life,my husband and I have always had a fantastic sex life but now I don't feel anything we've tried everything but it just does nothing for me!I'm thinking I should drop down to 5mg a day??I'm... read more

Lithium for manic depression 1200mg?

I'm taking lithium for manic depression. I am getting a dose of 1200 mg (4 Pills) (1200MG its enough to Maintenance treatment over time) How to take the 4 pills? Take them all together or divide them twice a day? Morning and evening? Thank you

How to manage bloating on Lyrica?

I am trying to manage my sodium. Also drinking lots of water. I noticed warm water is better because cold water makes it worse. Does Gas-x pills help? What has helped you? I get so bloated /my stomach hurts where I have to lay down with a heating pad. It's uncomfortable feeling standing up. I... read more

How to bring down blood pressure 255/100 and blood sugar 255?

my mother is 94 yrs .takes glipizide 10 mg , metformin 500 mg . can i give her another pill to bring down blood suger . also takes enalapril 20 mg .blood pressure

Contrave - Is it absolutely necessary to increase the dosage gradually?

I found that one pill a day is getting me everything I've been needing to stop emotionally eating and it's also giving me an energy boost. The only bad side effect I've had is just a little bloating and a slight headache occasionally but not really even worth mentioning. I've... read more

Will metoprolol help with my anxiety and acid reflux and heartburn and heat stuf?

I need to know what to expect please. I don't know heart issue yet so I'm scared. Anxious about the new pill and will I be ok now

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