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Panic Disorder Questions (Page 55)

Related terms: Panic Attack, Panic, Panic Attacks

Displaying 962 questions associated with Panic Disorder.

Low dose Xanax withdrawal?

I have severe GAD & Panic attacks & have been on Alprazolam 0.5 mg once daily since several years. Is it difficult to wean out of this dose safely?

Interactions with vilazodone?

Today I started 10mg. of vilazodone and I also take 450mg. of Lithium twice daily, 100mg. of lamotrigine twice daily, 40 mg of nadolol daily and clonazepam at least once daily. Has anyone else had this combination and has anything bad happened as far as side effects?

Will I ever get better on sertraline?

Hi, I have been on sertraline 50mg for 4 days now for ocd,panick attacks and anxiety. I understand it takes a while to kick in but how do you cope with the side effects? I have every single one. Racing thoughts, panick, anxiety, nausea, hot flushes. I haven’t ate or slept in 4 days maybe... read more

How long does citalopram take to work?

I’ve been on citalopram for 6 days now, started off feeling pretty awful the usual side effects that most people mention.. I’ve had blips of good moments and bad moments where for a second I’ve felt really positive but just as quickly it turns into a downward spiral.. can anyone... read more

Sertraline - How many weeks does it take to kick in?

I've been on 50mg for a year but my panic disorder took over and I was increased to 100mg 3 weeks ago. Just this past week we went to 125. I have really good moments and then I crash down again. Passive suicidal thoughts really terrify me. Reading the good reviews is so helpful. Did everyone... read more

Citalopram - Does citalopram work for disturbing thoughts?

In September I had a nervous breakdown doctor put me on escitalopram 20mg 3 months and it still has not worked. So did a direct switch from escitalopram to citalopram 30mg. It's my second day. I have extremely disturbing thoughts which is probably OCD. I have intense fear and anxiety and... read more

Low cortisol levels and clonazepam?

My cortisol levels are low. Borderline low around 5. I don't take any medication for that, but recently due to high frequency of my panic attacks, I was prescribed 0.5mg clonazepam on use when necessary basis. It is for sure effective in breaking the panic attack but could it be affecting my... read more

Switching from Prozac to Zoloft?

I've been taking Prozac 20 mg at night with 200 mg trazodone only to find out you should never use them together. I'm now out of the Prozac & am switching to Zoloft 25 mg starting tonight. Is there a probability of any side effects or issues that I should look for? Thanks in advance.

Sertraline drug tolerance?

Has anyone else on sertraline experienced drug tolerance after months/years of being on it? I have been on 50mg of sertraline for about 11 months now, and it has been working amazingly. My panic is pretty much non existent and I hardly have any anxiety symptoms-when I do it’s very easy to... read more

What chance is there for false positive drug screen from Biktarvy?

I keep testing positive for meth. Why? I'm on Biktarvy. Buspar, and Remeron

How to administer dosages?

A bottle of liquid Xanax has 22ml, how does one administer it? And how many doses is that?

What is the difference between SNRI's and SARI's (serotonin antagonist and reuptake inhibitors)?

Currently take trazodone & venlafaxine with ziprasidone. Have Ehlers-Danlos, fibromyalgia, with muscle/joint/nerve pain,osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, bipolar I with mixed episodes, PMDD, and severe complex PTSD. I am trying to work with doctors to take as few medications that will treat all... read more

So I've been on sertraline 100mg for nearly 2 years and recently I've had some breakthrough...

... symptoms. My doctor has suggested upping my dosing to 150mg, but I'm a bit scared as I had really bad side effects when I first started taking it. Any suggestions would be great?

Scared of dosage increase?

So currently I'm on 100mg of sertraline and have been for nearly 2 years, recently I've had some breakthrough symptoms, my doctor has suggested upping my dosage to 150mg however, I'm terrified as I had very bad side effects when I 1st started taking sertraline, my doctor also said I... read more

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