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Panic Disorder Questions (Page 21)

Related terms: Panic Attack, Panic, Panic Attacks

Displaying 962 questions associated with Panic Disorder.

First day of Zoloft and having side effects.

I started taking Zoloft yesterday morning around 7.00am at 25mg and I didn’t feel anything really, until this morning around 2:30am, with extreme nausea, insomnia and dizziness. Is this a common side effect? I go up in dosage next week.

What happens if I take expired propranolol? For stage fright?

I have a bottle of Inderal LA 60 mg (long acting propranolol), it says it expires this month. I still have a lot of pills and I need it for a presentation in March 2018. Will it still work for that date? Has anyone tried or has any experience? I would buy it again but I live in Argentina and I have... read more

Fear of taking anxiety meds?

I am 27 year old female. I have been suffering from anxiety since I was very little. I’ve been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, Panic attacks, PTSD, and in the past depression. I have had my ups and downs with my battle with anxiety. It is the only one that I can’t seem to... read more

I missed 3 weeks of my 100mg Zoloft (sertraline) dose.

I missed 2-3 weeks of my 100mg dose of Zoloft. I take it nightly. I fell back into a depression, and stopped taking it entirely. I am WELL aware of how dumb this is. I don't need to be scolded. I know. My question is, in order to get back on it, should take it slow (i.e. 50mg for a week,... read more

Lexapro makes me feel spaced out?

Hello. I have never asked a question on here and I have been going through a pretty rough time. So I was originally on Cymbalta and buspar for about 6 months and I had night sweats and a foggy mind so my psych switched to lexapro. I started out on 5 mg and I was okay until about the second week... read more

Will my doctor be OK with switching me to Xanax?

I've been on Klonopin (clonazepam, because my pockets aren't that deep) for a little over a year now and only take it as required for my panic attacks. I will take usually 1-2 (1mg) tablets per WEEK, so I'm not taking much. In fact my doctor only prescribes me 8 (1mg) tablets per... read more

Is it OK or safe to take 0.5 mg Xanax 4 times a day?

I've been taking Xanax 0.5 mg for 5 months now it seemed to help but there are days I've noticed that I start to anxiety I take it every 8 hrs like it says 3 times a day but there are days were it don't seem to help or be enough in a day so just wondering if it's OK and safe to... read more

Sertraline - I have had insomnia for most of my life and am wondering if Zoloft would help?

I have been on clonazepam for several years to help with my anxiety and insomnia. The clonazepam helps me tremendously with sleep but I keep needing a stronger dose. My doctor suggested that I try an anti-depressant. I have been reading alot about Zoloft and it sounds like it will help with anxiety... read more

Why won't Drs prescribe klonopin to someone who really needs it and has been on it for over 10 yea?

Someone who really needs it, and has been on it for 10 years! But am also on opioid medication for severe pain! But with the new black box warnings! And even though I have always taken just as prescribed and always from the same Dr! But unfortunately my Dr had to retire because of health problems!... read more

Effexor first day! It seems like this is doing the trick! Anybody else happy with Effexor??

I was on Lexapro 10mg for GAD for over 5 years , it did make me feel better but it never really completely worked, I even tried 20mg with no success, no real side effects. Years ago I was on Paxil , it worked but the weight gains and excessive sweating were terrible. Today I started Effexor lowest... read more

BuSpar - How long did it take your body to adjust to buspirone? I have been super dizzy, shaky...

... and more anxious recently.

Am I supposed to take Adderall, Xanax, and Percocet together?

I have been taking Adderall and Xanax for two years now. I recently had dental work done and I was prescribed Percocets So today I took all three as prescribed and my back hurts between my shoulder blades. Should I be concerned?

Propranolol for reducing constant high heart rate caused by anxiety?

I have been prescribed 40 mg Propranolol onece per day for high heart rate due to anxiety. This isn’t just a high heart rate during a panic attack- it is a constantly high HR and started after a long period of extreme anxiety. I am interested to see if anyone else has a higher HR all the time... read more

Switching from Klonopin to Xanax?

Has anyone been on clonazepam ? I'm on it now but my Dr talked about switching me to Xanax for my panic disorder and severe anxiety. If I switch will i experience any withdrawal effects if I switch? I take 1.5 mg of klonopin a day and I've read switching to Xanax can result in withdrawal.... read more

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Related condition support groups

Agoraphobia, Anxiety

Related drug support groups

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