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Panic Disorder Questions (Page 17)

Related terms: Panic Attack, Panic, Panic Attacks

Displaying 962 questions associated with Panic Disorder.

Will zoloft stop intrusive thoughts?

i have always suffered from anxeity and probably slight ocd sympotoms but in the past two months it has taken an awful turn for the worse. My amazing life has turned into a everyday living turmoil. I have never expierenced this and im looking for support, i have had numerous intrusive thoughts in... read more

Is there anything stronger than xanax 2mg for anxiety and severe panic attacks?

I take 2mg of xanax 3 times a day & it is not helping I take for sever anxiety & sever panic attacks

Can Xanax help with my Driving?

I suffer with Panic attacks which I feel I can control most of the time , my problem is driving , I am ok in my area , and I don't get a panick attack , but if I have to drive far, for example longer than 15 minutes , I fear of getting a Panic Attack, especially if going under a tunnel or lots... read more

I have been taking Xanax for panic disorder and anxiety? After 6 weeks will I suffer withdrawal?

I have been prescribed. 5 Xanax twice daily for six weeks now waiting to get in to see a new psychiatrist. My anxiety is excruciating at times and its hard to do almost anything I have some agorophobia and I'm wondering if I should try and deal with the fact that I took too many and ran out... read more

Why am I feeling dizzy all of a sudden? 200mg Sertraline per day?

Hello. A brief description of myself: im 22, male. around 14.5 stone, muscly build. Go gym 3 times a week. Have suffered with depression 2 year ago and was on medication for that. The last year i have been suffering with anxiety and panic attacks. Most panic attacks result in me being physicaly... read more

Xanax and Alcohol?

I am on the smallest dose per day of alprazolam (xanax) (.25mg) to combat panic attacks I started having after a heart attack (about 7 or 8 years ago). I usually take it right before I go to bed because that's when I've had most of the panic attacks and I feel it helps me sleep. I'm... read more

How well does Prozac ACTUALLY work?

Hey, I'm Maxine. I'm always angry and depressed. I've been told by multiple doctors that no-one should be as depressed as I am, ALL the time. I recently turned 14 years old on January 28th. I started out with Zoloft 10mg, it didn't seem to work, gradually over the year I was... read more

Rough time adjusting to Prozac?

I recently started taking Prozac for anxiety, panic attacks and depression and I am absolutely miserable due to side effects. Today was my 5th day and I have been experiencing increased anxiety, horrible panic attacks, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, tingling face and feeling generally restless and... read more

Has anyone had a serious side effects while taking Prozac even high heart palpitations?

Need to know if anyone has had serious side effects the first time taking Prozac or an allergic reaction?

How effective is the Zoloft/Wellbutrin combo for OCD and depression?

Hi there! I was diagnosed with OCD when I was 8 (12 years ago) and have been pretty consistently on Zoloft with varying doses. This past year, I have begun to struggle more and more with depression and my OCD has been spiked because of this due to the nature of the depressed thoughts and my fear of... read more

Xanax 0.25mg and Lexapro 10mg?

I was recently prescribed Lexapro 10mg for my panic/agoraphobia and Xanax 0.25mg to help with the anxiety while first starting the Lexapro. My question is, does Xanax 0.25mg have any noticable side effects besides relaxing you? My doctor told me since its such a small dose it probably wont be... read more

Do you ever feel your heart beating all over your chest, neck, and arms?

It's been happening quite a lot lately, especially when I lay down, and then I can't go to sleep. I've had fluttering, and can feel it beat all over. It reminds me of when I used to run, and afterwards, I could feel the blood flow throughout my legs, thumpety bump bump. Does this... read more

Zoloft EMOTIONAL NUMBNESS Side effects How long will this last?

(took the pill 10:00PM 26th) (October 27th 4:00PM)Believe it or not I already feel my medication, it felt pretty good at first but as the day went on I felt more and more drained. The best way I can describe it is zombie like. I feel detached and emotionless. I don’t feel happy sad or... read more

My dr switch me from lorazepam to clonazepam with no weening off of the lorazepam?

Even with all the horror stories I've heard about withdrawals from it, is this true?

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Related condition support groups

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Related drug support groups

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