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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Questions (Page 2)

Related terms: Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis, OCD, Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder, OCPD

Displaying 313 questions associated with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Has anyone ever successfully quit Lexapro?

I have slowly weaned off of Lexapro over a month and for the past week have been not taking any, and my obsessive negative thoughts and anger are out of control. I can't sleep. I've also experienced frequent bouts of anxiety, jitteriness and upset stomach throughout the day, even over... read more

Sertraline - Anyone seen tremendious weight gain ?

This medication gave me my life back. No more panic and anxiety attacks while driving. No sudden out burst of anger. No OCD, But... I put on about 60lbs. I read somewhere that this an Zoloft do block the messages sent from your stomach and brain that you are full. I have read here mostly people... read more

Has anyone on Klonopin had marked weight gain while taking it?

I've had panic disorder (along with depression, OCD, PTSD, major anxiety... ) since childhood. I'm on an anti-depressant now. I've been on most all of the anti-depressants out there and my dr. has now told me that I'm resistant to the anti-depressants. I was on Klonopin years... read more

Is is better to take prozac at bedtime?

I have been prescribed prozac to take at bedtime but will this help me throughout the day. My doctor feels that I'm depressed but I feel that I just need something to calm my nerves and take the edge off.

I have severe withdrawal symptoms after weening off Paxil after 10 years, what should I do?

I have been on Paxil for about 10 years. I weined off of it about a month ago and I am having the most severe physical and mental withdrawl symptoms. I don't know what to do. I feel like I am going crazy and physically feel like I have the flu or something. I don't even get out of my... read more

Does Zoloft (sertraline) cause hair loss?

Hello, I started on 25 mg of sertraline for one week then took 50mg the next week and the third week I am currently on 75 mg. I noticed my hair falling out ALOT at the end of the second week (while taking 50 mg). I am 23 year old male and have always had thick hair and no one in my family has had... read more

Just took a 10mg prozac. I was extremely anxious before. I haven't wanted to take it for over 5?

... years. I'm very afraid. I'm a fully housebound agoraphobic that suffers from OCD, anxiety, and panic attacks. Will this help me? I don't want to get worse!

What is the best medication to help treat anxiety/ OCD ?

I have severe anxiety/ OCD, I need to get on a medication that will actually do something for me !

Is there anything out there other than benzos that help with panic attacks and depression?

I have been suffering from panic attacks and anxiety(some depression as well)for 20 + years. I have been diagnosed with major depression,bi-polar disorder,panic disorder,adhd,and generalized anxiety disorder over the last 20 + years.I have been prescribed xanax,tofranil,welbutrin,paxil,effexor and... read more

Can low amounts of xanax be taken safely long-term for chronic anxiety panic phobic-avoidances, etc?

On Prozac for years but not much help. Is xanax too risky because of potential withdrawl, tolerance, etc. Is a safe to take a low amount long-term; will that keep working?

Did anybody take paxil during pregnancy? Is this OK?

I'm pregnant and I want to know if taking paxil is safe for me to take... thanks!

Zoloft isn't working PLZ HELP!! I have OCD, BPD, Situat/General Anxiety, Claustrophob, Depression?

I am new to this support group but not to the? sight, I usually come here to compare meds and do some of my research, however I NEED to reach out and get answers (I just hope there are answers for me). At any rate, this is very long but I would greatly appreciate it if someone or ones can please... read more

What's the difference between SSRI's and SNRI's?

I was talking to my therapist about mine and my mom's anxiety medicine. I'm taking Zoloft and she's taking Cymbalta. I was talking to my therapist about how my mom wants me to get out on what she's taking but my therapist was saying that it was a different class of drugs and... read more

New to Celexa - anyone experience weight loss and a "foggy" feeling?

I've been taking Celexa for 5 weeks now for anxiety and OCD and I have a couple of questions: 1. Has anyone experienced weight loss while taking it? It seems as though my appetite has changed. 2. It seems like it's helping with anxiety, but some days I feel "foggy"... like my... read more

How does Effexor affect your sex life?

I really enjoy my sex life and am starting Effexor in a couple weeks. I read some sexual side effects from this drug and am concerned to exactly what people experience. I know everyone is different. By sharing experiences I will have a pretty good idea what to expect and maybe what to do to deal... read more

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