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Mirena Questions (Page 3)

Related terms: Mirena Coil

Displaying 50 questions associated with Mirena.

Hair loss due to mirena - how long after removal will it take for my hair to grow back?

I have had my mirena for approx 2 yrs and have noticed hair loss for 18mths didn't realise that mirena had this side effect till some research if i have it removed how long does it take for the hair loss to stop and will all my hair grow back or is it JUST likely to stop further hair loss?

Does the Mirena affect your sex drive?

I had the Paragard after my first child I liked it other then the fact my periods were awful. So after I have my daughter this march the doctor said I should try the Mirena. I'm kind of nervous because I have heard nothing but awful things about it. When you look up reviews they freak me out... read more

Mirena IUD & anxiety/panic attacks?

Hello! I am 21 years old and I got a Mirena IUD just about a year ago. I have had great experience with it so far, I got my period regularly every month. Recently, within the last three months my periods have stopped (There is no chance of me being pregnant). So I figured it was just due to... read more

Mirena - how long do you have to wait before having sex after getting the iud?

I just got the iud put in and I would like to know how long I have to wait before having intercourse?

Has anyone had major panic attacks and anxiety after Mirena insertion? I have had it for 6 months?

... and out of the blue have been having panic and anxiety episodes

What can I expect when I start my first period with mirena?

I had my mirena put in on 10/26/12 and was not on my period at the time. I got off my period about a week beforehand, so they did a pregnancy test and went ahead with the procedure. I didn't bleed or spot after it was inserted, but am at the point where I would be starting my period. I noticed... read more

Mirena and no Period after two months. Is this normal?

... So I got Mirena two months ago, and I bled just fine on my scheduled period the first month. I have had my first checkup and my doctor said everything looked fine. But this month I spotted a little bit in between my first period and the one that's supposed to be here now. I have not had... read more

Mirena coil fitted 3 years ago, sudden pain and bleeding?

Hey, I had a Mirena coil fitted about 3 years ago, and it's been great so far. A few times a year I get a little bit of spotting. However suddenly today I noticed some period-like bleeding, along with some period-like pains. I have never gotten a period since I've had this coil, but I... read more

Can the Mirena cause jaundice?

Ok so I'm 24 years old with a 6 year old son and a 6 month old daughter..I work 40 plus hours at a private practice as an ultrasound tech. I got my mirena in 4 months ago at my 6 week check up after my daughter was born. Then a month later exactly I got my nose pierced. A couple of weeks after... read more

Can I take Monistat1 if I have IUD (Mirena)?

I think I have a yeast infection. I was going to use Monistat1, but I wanted to make sure that I could do so if I have the IUD (Mirena)???

Side pain at bottom of rib. Recently got IUD?

One of the side effects of the IUD is back pain, but I'm not sure if this counts. It is under my ribs/at the bottom on the right side, and just feels like an aching that lasts hours. Worried in case an infection could have spread when the iud was put in, and can't seem to find much... read more

How soon can I have sex after mirena iud?

So doctor told me no sex within 2 days after geting mirena iud .i had unprotected sex the 3 rd day.myperiod was on the 5th n i got mirena implanted on the 18th .is there any chance i could of goten pregnat?im really worried because im bearly now researchin and everybody is talkin about. A week to a... read more

Why do I still feel so bloated after Mirena removal?

I had my third IUD replacement 4weeks ago. After days insertion, the severe cramps/severe bloating/pressure/ back pain/ urinary frequency/abd pain/pain with sitting!/ pain with movement/continued. I reported my symptoms to Gyn nurse after day 5. Day 8 had transvaginal Ultrasound that verified... read more

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