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Medication Questions (Page 61)

Displaying 1193 questions associated with Medication.

Medications taken together?

Can I take Carafate and Protonix at the same time? I take Protonix 40mg twice daily and Carafate four times daily. Do I have to wait between taking these two medications?

Does Entresto or Coreg cause low blood pressure or hypotension?

My blood pressure has decreased from normal with medication (117/60) to (100/60) after doctors added more Lasix and Farxiga to my medications secondary to fluid retention in my legs. Is it best for doctors to decrease the Entresto that I’m taking or the Coreg to begin to figure out... read more

Which is the best generic replacement medication for Cytomel?

I have been taking Cytomel 5mcg for over 20 years. I have tried to switch over to a generic 3 times. Each time I ended up sick with an elevated blood pressure and a pulse below 55. My insurance will not allow a tier reduction to help with the cost of this medication, which is 4 times the cost of... read more

Spacing medications to avoid any interactions. Doctor wants the famot & pantop taken together?

I’m trying to rearrange the schedule of my medications. I take famotidine & pantoprazole together. Then one hour later Motegrity. Next is 10ml extra-strength Mylanta an hour after the Motegrity. Half hour later is breakfast. Is this a safe or reasonable schedule for these meds?

Taking Synthroid with esomeprazole?

I take Synthroid everyday because I have an underactive thyroid problem, and I also have a GERD problem which I take esomeprazole every day. What is really the best timing to take these two medications? I am concerned about esomeprazole depleting the acid in my body for the Synthroid to work... read more

What is the best medication for tension headaches?

How do I know if I got a bad batch of medication?

On several occasions, I know I took my effexor in the morning, but by evening, I am suffering symptoms of withdrawal (dizziness, anxiety attacks) becoming more severe throughout the night. I usually feel better a couple hours after taking my next dose in the morning. This has now happened to me... read more

Not taking medication correctly?

What happens if a child only takes an antibiotic prescription instead of 4 x for a 6 hourly, the child is given 3 x as the last dosage is at midnight, and he is asleep by then? This prescription is only to prevent secondary infection for hand foot disease.

Is there contraindication between Nardil (MAOI) & Super HCA (Hydroxycitric acid), wght loss vitamin?

I am currently on Nardil, which is an MAOI. This medication class has serious contraindications with other medications and food and I am not able to find if there is a contraindication between Super HCA, which is a weight loss supplement. Contraindications cause hypertensive crisis, or probable... read more

What is recommended spacing between medication dosing?

What is the recommended spacing between amlodipine and Eliquis dosing? What is recommended spacing of Synthroid and Eliquis, and famciclovir?

Hot flashes, later in life?

Is there a medication for hot flashes, that is not HRT? I'm 71 and never really bothered by hot flashes much. Had a complete hysterectomy in 2005. Over the last 3 or 4 years hot flashes have made my life miserable! I used over the counter supplements, Estroven, did not help. Someone help me... read more

What Stage of CKD should you start Farxiga?

HI, My daughter is 20 years old, with borderline CKD stage One, I cant find anything on the web on what stage of CKD should you start taking this medication, my biggest fear is taking to early, will prevent her from having healthy babies, other side effects, since she is only 20 years old, her last... read more

Which is the best medications for anxiety as needed propranolol 10 mg hydroxyzine HCl?

I'm on lisproil 5 mg for blood pressure medicine but propranolol 10 mg and hydroxyzine HCl was both prescribed for as needed medications for my anxiety during the day. Which is better with less side effects

What medication can help me?

What alternative medications can my doctor give me thats as good as Adderall? For some reason I can't get my prescription filled they claim its always on back order

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