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Major Depressive Disorder Questions (Page 34)

Related terms: Clinical Depression, Unipolar Disorder, MDD

Displaying 514 questions associated with Major Depressive Disorder.

New to Lexapro - Does the heightened anxiety and sleep maintenance insomnia go away?

I started Lexapro 11 days go. 8 days at 5mg, now up to 10mg. I’ve been having horrific anxiety and depression, and while I can fall asleep okay, I can’t sleep past 2-3 am. I also have adrenaline bursts. I reached out to my doctor and she said the side effects would go away in 7-10 days,... read more

What should be normal when first starting Viibryd?

I was on Trintelix 20mg for about 3 months and didn't notice the changes I am looking for. My doctor has now put me on Viibryd 10mg to start. This is my first day, I feel completely out of it, which I haven't felt when starting other medicine before. Is this normal? I realized that I was... read more

What dose Zoloft do for you?

Can I take bupropion + sertraline + lithium + clomipramine + methylphenidate together?

I have the following disorders: major depression, social anxiety disorder, and attention deficit disorder. my ADD was diagnosed 1 month ago. I've been on antidepressants for 7 years, 3 months ago I changed my doctor and his medications helped so far and until yesterday I was on bupropion 150mg... read more

Sertraline - Does Zoloft increase adrenaline?

GAD/depression- off meds mental torment?

I recently came off Pristiq due to it losing its efficacy after 6 years. The withdrawals were tough but I managed to “feel” again and wanted to try life without being numbed. I had the 6 week “honeymoon” period where things were fairly good but now the Pristiq is fully out... read more

Sertraline has made anxiety unbearable?

I came of Pristiq about 8 weeks ago for anxiety/depression and tried to ho with no meds. Had my 6 week honeymoon period but steadily went downhill and crashed big time last weekend. I've now gone on to my docs prescribed medication but started 50mg of Sertraline and it has put my anxiety in to... read more

Lamictal - insomnia? Is this normal? it isgreat other than this.

On the 1st day on 25 mg and I was so excited to feel calm and not in a panic for the first time in my life!! I drove to my sons footy game, and realized I was singing Mariah Carey, instead of worrying that I wouldn’t find parking or the correct football field. So super great day, however... read more

Can starting Pristiq make you feel easily aggravated?

Just started Pristiq 3 days ago and I’m easily aggravated. My anxiety is worse too. Are these side effects that will get better as my body adjusts?

Trazodone & night seziures?

I have epilepsy & take trazodone for sleep/insomnia. Can it cause night seziures when falling asleep or while asleep? I've been having muscle twitching and electric shock feelings constantly with the twitch as the drug is reaching it's peak, keeping me up longer and I'm worried... read more

Drugs to treat dual diagnosis that have some success rate?

What drugs are given for someone with MDD, Panic Disorder, Anxiety , alcoholic and have had a heart attack at 49 . I am now 52, female.

Since I started or added Zyprexa I cannot fall asleep, I have insomnia. Why?

Since I stopped Trileptal 3 days ago and started Zyprexa, I cannot fall asleep

How long does daytime tiredness last when starting mirtazapine?

How long does daytime tiredness last when starting mirtazapine? I’ve been taking them for 4 days now and very tired in the day. Would drinking coffee help?

Can you help me with depression and opioid withdrawal?

I am a 53 year old male. I have long suffered from mild to severe depression and have taken Zoloft for years. 3 months ago I had a liver transplant (not alcohol related) and had been taking 10mg oxycodone until 6 days ago. Also, my wife and I are separating soon. My surgery recovery along with our... read more

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