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M O S Questions

Displaying 7 questions associated with M O S.

Is anyone having trouble with hair loss and Abilify? I used to have thick, really curly hair and?

... now it is thin, straight and lifeless. I am considering getting off Abilify. My doctor wants me to try Latuda but I am scared. My moods are good now. I was on lithium for 20 years but it started to affect my kidneys so I had to get off. I realize that it is just 'hair' but it is very... read more

I've been off Cymbalta 45 days. Zaps gone, but have profound depression. Success stories, anyone?

I was on opiods for pain, but the withdrawal did not even come close to what I am going through with Cymbalta. The brain zaps and rapid moods swings have diminished to almost zero, but I am left with a profound depression, unlike anything I have experienced. I am determined to succeed. I am also... read more

Anger from cyclobenzaprine?

I've been on different muscle relaxers for seizures & EDS. Are cyclobenzaprine, lorazapam or klonopin known to cause bad moods or anger?

Sertraline - increasing dosage from 50 mg to 75 mg?

How long does it generally take to feel benefits from increase in dosage? I have been on 50 mg for 2 months and appeared to be experiencing a down swing of moods (not huge but enough for my doctor to increase the dose slightly)

I took just one 5mg escitalopram dose can I stop?

I have emotional instability while I'm doing EMDR therapy for PTSD the therapy and what we're talking about makes my moods unstable. After a bad mood swing episode I went to a psychiatrist in urgency and he prescribed escitalopram 10mg he warned me of the side effects (anxiety and such)... read more

Does methocarbamol really interact with MAOIs in a life-threatening way?

Methocarbamol. Under 'interactions' it says "monoamine oxidase inhibitors, such as selegiline, isocarboxazid, or phenelzine (interaction may be life-threatening)". Is that right? Doesn't say that using the interactions checker.

Vortioxetine - I have itching on Brintellix 10 mgs. Not constant. Random parts of my body?

Does anyone have experience with this and most importantly, foes it go away? Went through a horrible w/d from MAO's that lasted 2 months and the Brintellix is helping a great deal. Looking for hope this itching gets better or not worse.

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