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Lyrica Questions (Page 5)

Displaying 189 questions associated with Lyrica.

What medication is equal to lyrica?

I have a feeling that lyrica is really affecting my memory am I the only one?

ive been having serious problems with my medium to long term memory as well as retreiving information... i'm worried. Does anyone have the same issues?

Lyrica,what is the highest dose a person can take?

Due to chemo, I haveno nerves in my legs, also have restless leg syndrome, I am taking 150mg 3x aday,and it works but not quite,always have some leg pain,,, anf the legs ,I do not have complete control over at all times can the doc,increase it , she seems to think I am taking the upper limits of... read more

Has anyone NOT gained weight on lyrica?

I've been taking Lyrica for 2 1/2 weeks at 50mg 3xd. My doc just upped it to 100mg 3xd. I also take 50mg of tramadol 3xd for the same amount of time. After reading on here about what everyone has to say about lyrica it's terrifying. I've actually lost a few lbs since taking it but I... read more

Constipation on gabapentin versus starting Lyrica?

Started gabapentin 4 weeks ago and I've noticed really severe constipation. The first time I went for 2 weeks. Started vomiting, used an enema and many doses of Milk of Magnesia. Then tried Miralax which did not work, and finally Dulcolax (the one that causes contractions of the bowel) which... read more

I ran out of my Lyrica meds and I am in a lot of pain?

Does anyone know what I can do to help my Fibro pain. I ran out of my 225mg Lyrica script. I also take 60mg Cymbalta and 25mg of Trazadone at bedtime

Lyrica - Has anyone complained about sleepwalking?

My husband injured his back many years ago. Has bak cage in back and recently fell resulting in another herniated disk. Lyrica was recently added to his long list of pain meds. He has started sleep walking since starting lyrica. He has days he can't sleep at all, then will nod off right in the... read more

I need advice about taking lyrica vs gabapentin? Can I take gabapentin by day and lyrica at night?

I have taken Lyrica starting at 75mg and now up to 150mg twice a day for just over a year now. I decided to try find a less expensive alternative and Gabapentin was recommended by a pharmacist. I am not a diabetic, but I've had spinal fusion twice, 10 years and 1year ago. Now I suffer with... read more

Can Lyrica be ordered with refills?

My husband's Pain Mgmt NP told us that she can not order Lyrica with refills. But we have had Neurologists order it with refills. Which is correct? And if the Neurologists are illegally ordering it why are the pharmacies filling the script?

Can you take expired Lyrica/pregabalin?

Can you take Lyrica/pregabalin that is expired in 2015 so about 4 years old? (25 mg, possibly multiple)

My doctor is switching me from gabapentin to Lyrica?

My doctor Is taking me off gabapentin and starting me right away on Lyrica. Will I have withdrawal symptoms from gabapentin?

Does Lyrica work well for nerve pain?

my doc put me on lyrica its supposed to be for nerve pain i did have my doubts but it works great! and its non narcotic but still a controlled substance it helps with my sciatica nerve and leg pain its only been on the market for about 5 months according to what my doc said. so here is my advice... read more

Will a doctor in the United States prescribe Lyrica for anxiety/panic attacks?

My dad let me try Lyrica (Pregabalin) one day when I was panicking, and it worked wonders. Panic attacks have been ruining my life. I'm 19 and the only thing I can think about is my own mortality. I was prescribed Xanax, and after that, I never, EVER want to take another benzo. I am afraid to... read more

Which drugs should I take before breakfast and how long before eating?

Benecar htz, synthroid, limectal, lyrica, Glucafage,cymbalta,zocor,nuvigil,aromisin, vit D , vit B, Multiple vit,Biotin,vit E is morning Ok or should some be taken in the eve, with supper or bedtime?

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