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Insomnia Questions (Page 4)

Related terms: Difficulty Sleeping, Dyssomnia, Inability to sleep, Sleeplessness, Wakefulness

Displaying 627 questions associated with Insomnia.

Is anyone having weird side effects from gabapentin? Will this go away?

I'm whipped into a frenzy and feel as if I may spin off into orbit at any moment. I also am experiencing cognitive problems, my memory is so bad that family members have actually noticed that lovely side effect. (watched a film last night and my hubby said that it was the second time we... read more

Is a 10mgs of Melatonin excessive, and would Melatonin hinder my ability to wake-up to an alarm?

I am a member of the U.S. Navy, that being said I have to wake-up at a specific time and be on time always(my command has a zero tolerance for being late and will not hesitate to write you up.) I am wondering if I take a 10mg dose of Melatonin is that going to hinder my ability to wake-up to an... read more

How much Melatonin can I take?

Arrrggh, I've got insomnia... AGAIN!!! I take 1mg Xanax at bed time, I just want to know how much melatonin I can take with it. Thank you ever so much, sweetlemon

Has anyone experienced insomnia while taking Seroquel?

While on Seroquel (for several month), I began experiencing severe insomnia, sometimes getting 1 or 2 hours of sleep a night... and many,many nights, ZERO hours of sleep. This, of course, took me off of work. Dr. decided @ that point to take me off the Seroquel ('clean out my system and start... read more

Ambien or trazodone - which is best for sleep?

I currently take ambien to sleep. I have to take 3 or more of them for them to work. My dr just switched me to trazodone, do you think it will work as good. I have horible insomnia and am very worried this med won't work as well as ambien...

Has anybody had the erection side-effect taking trazadone?

If so, how many mg.s and what other details. Did u have to receive medical help, etc... I have problems with ED maybe using the right dosage might be productive?

How long does Amitriptyline withdrawal last?

I was prescribed Amitriptyline 10mg to be taken at nighttime for migraine prevention. Well it was giving making my already bad insomnia even worse to the point that I was unable to sleep even with my prescription medicine for sleep. So I stopped taking it. I had only been taking it for a week and... read more

Does anyone ever get anxiety over taking meds?

I am always afraid to take new meds that the doctor prescribes me. I know certain meds and my body just do not work well

Wellbutrin, has anyone experienced hard or rapid & irregular heartbeats, muscle back pain, insomnia?

Loss of appetite and cannot gain any weight? This all makes me anxious and the whole reason I went on it was for depression and anxiety! Anyone out there have any similiar symptoms or have an educated reason why I am having these side effects? Help!

I have very bad insomnia, ambien doesnt work, can anyone help me?

My doctor recentally perscribed me to 10mg ambien to go with my .5mg klonopins and 20mg celexa. Originally he said the klonopins would knock me out. They dont. Called him, he called the pharm and gave me 10mg ambien, doesnt work either. I took tylenol pm and benedryl for a long time up to 5 tablets... read more

Wellbutrin - How long until the insomnia wears off?

Hello, I am on my first week of Wellbutrin (generic) IR and am not sleeping well. Does this side-effect eventually wear off? Will I ever be able to sleep again? I took a half of a Trazodone the other night and it did NOTHING to help me sleep. They used to knock me out. Maybe I'll try a whole... read more

I was prescribed Gabapentin after an awful outbreak of shingles last June?

My PCM ordered 300mg to be taken 3x a day. I haven't felt any significant relief from this, so I looked it up on this website. I found that I may not be taking enough, so I called my PCM, and she prescribed 400mg to be taken 3x a day. How long will it take for me to know if this is an... read more

Wellbutrin for depression and anxiety, how long till I feel better, what are your stories?

I have a back injury that will not get better, it has now caused depression and anxiety, I'm taking wellbutrin xl 150mg in the a.m. On my 3rd day. I also take between 50-100 mg trazodone at night along with 15-20mg ambien. What should I look forward to on this wellbutrin, how long until my... read more

At what point would you go to the hospital for insomnia?

I have been unable to sleep for the past 5 days... I have a long history of chronic insomnia, which runs in the family. In the recent months I've gone from sleeping 2-4 hrs a night, to sleeping around 4 hrs every other night, then sleeping 6 hrs or so after being up for 3,4 days and... read more

Trazodone - If 100mg did not put me to sleep should I try 150 tonight or 100mg again?

I have not been sleeping for more than 8-10 hours per WEEK - usually go 3-4 days with NO sleep and other days 2-3 hours if I took Lunesta and Melatonin. I pretty much stopped the Lunesta because it was not worth taking and laying awake. My mind races, I suspect I am in Peri-Menopause. So Dr wants... read more

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