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Hydrochlorothiazide / Losartan Questions

Displaying 3 questions associated with Hydrochlorothiazide / Losartan.

Hydrochlorothiazide/Losartan - Is it okay to split Losartan/Hctz 50/12 Tabs? Am taking it for?

... high blood pressure, but lately my BP has been running low and I'm feeling light headed. Before starting to take it I was 189/106. This morning I had to come in from working outside because I felt really poorly. BP was 103/60. Fifteen minutes later it was 110/63.L am diabetic, have A-Fib,... read more

Hydrochlorothiazide/Losartan - Is it okay to split Losartan/Hctz 50/12 Tabs in half taking am/pm?

Hydrochlorothiazide/Losartan - Is it okay to split Losartan/Hctz 50/12 tablets in half, taking half in am, and half in pm? What I have noticed is that if I exert myself after taking a full pill my blood pressure can drop dramatically, taking half in am and half in pm reduces the drop to a... read more

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