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Hives Questions

Related terms: Wheals and Welts

Displaying 83 questions associated with Hives.

What is the Benadryl hat man?

Zyrtec vs Claritin: Which is more effective for allergies?

Zyrtec and Claritin are both antihistamines, but which one is more effective for conditions such as allergic rhinitis or postnasal drip?

How long does Benadryl take to work?

Does Benadryl make you sleepy?

Does Benadryl help with or cause anxiety?

Allegra vs Claritin: Which is more effective for allergies?

Both Allegra and Claritin are antihistamines but which one is more effective or has more side effects?

Does Zyrtec cause weight gain?

Does Feverfew interact with any drugs?

How long before Xolair starts working?

Does Xolair cause cancer?

Can you take Benadryl while pregnant?

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