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Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questions (Page 97)

Related terms: Anxiety Disorder, GAD, General Anxiety Disorder

Displaying 1473 questions associated with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Abilify - Will it be ok to split a tablet till I adjust to the medication.

I was put on Ability 5mg for anxiety. It did not make me drowsy but I just feel weird and off and had insomnia. I know it says not to split the tablet but trying new medications makes me nervous. It’s part of my anxiety. Fear of taking meds. Why do the bottles say to never split?

Drinking and on Buspar, lamotrigine?

After drinking alcohol my husband is super aggressive & emotional. He suffers from bipolar and anxiety. He’s on Buspirone and Lamictal. Should we double the dose the next day to avoid this awful consequence?

Can I take bupropion + sertraline + lithium + clomipramine + methylphenidate together?

I have the following disorders: major depression, social anxiety disorder, and attention deficit disorder. my ADD was diagnosed 1 month ago. I've been on antidepressants for 7 years, 3 months ago I changed my doctor and his medications helped so far and until yesterday I was on bupropion 150mg... read more

GAD/depression- off meds mental torment?

I recently came off Pristiq due to it losing its efficacy after 6 years. The withdrawals were tough but I managed to “feel” again and wanted to try life without being numbed. I had the 6 week “honeymoon” period where things were fairly good but now the Pristiq is fully out... read more

Does gabapentin help with tapering Fioricet?

I have taken for about a year Fioricet for headaches. When I try to lower the dose I get terrible anxiety, headache, and an upset stomach. I have taken gabapentin for about 5 years. 400mg at night. I found that if I increase the dose of gabapentin I don't get the anxiety. I am now on 800mg. I... read more

Sertraline has made anxiety unbearable?

I came of Pristiq about 8 weeks ago for anxiety/depression and tried to ho with no meds. Had my 6 week honeymoon period but steadily went downhill and crashed big time last weekend. I've now gone on to my docs prescribed medication but started 50mg of Sertraline and it has put my anxiety in to... read more

Lyrica/pregabalin dosage change/splitting?

I started on pregabalin 150mg 3 weeks ago for anxiety/PTSD. Been a mixed bag. I have M.E/chronic fatigue so the first week knocks me to bedridden. Doc has given me 300mg if I want to try. My question - is it okay to take different doses at different times of day, or do they have to be the same dose... read more

Quetiapine and testicular and prostate pain?

I'm taking quetiapine 300 mg per day. I feel a burning in my testicules and prostate pain. If I reduce the dose the symptoms go away. It happened to me with clozapine too, that's why I changed it. Anyone else with this trouble?

Trazodone & night seziures?

I have epilepsy & take trazodone for sleep/insomnia. Can it cause night seziures when falling asleep or while asleep? I've been having muscle twitching and electric shock feelings constantly with the twitch as the drug is reaching it's peak, keeping me up longer and I'm worried... read more

Switching antidepressants..An alternative to Celexa?

What would be alternate to Celexa for a female, active, has GAD? I have been taking it 6 years and no longer feel it is working. Mind you over the years I have taken Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft, Wellbutrin and Effexor. Paxil being the most effective..

Will fluoxetine alone treat anxiety?

Does Paxil 20mg stop working?

After taking Paxil for about 12 years can this drug wear off? Also is there something newer or better for anxiety? My phycologist (non-prescriber) mentioned this. My anxiety has been out of control lately

How to stop taking venlafaxine to patient take 150 mg per day ?

The patient suffer from anxiety and depression and he was take it for about 6 months and now he feels his self better than before and need to stop taking drugs

Drugs to treat dual diagnosis that have some success rate?

What drugs are given for someone with MDD, Panic Disorder, Anxiety , alcoholic and have had a heart attack at 49 . I am now 52, female.

Sertraline - From paroxetine to sertraline. Is it such a torture?

I was for 8 years on paroxetine but stopped working, so my Dc weaned me off and put me on sertraline gradually. The taper was 5mg each week and the sertraline introduction was 50mg per week. Total time on Sertriline is 6 weeks. I am 14 days off paroxetine and 3 weeks on sertraline 200. My anxiety... read more

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