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Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questions (Page 73)

Related terms: Anxiety Disorder, GAD, General Anxiety Disorder

Displaying 1473 questions associated with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

How long does it take Pristiq to become effective on major depression, anxiety, and motivation?

I have depression, anxiety, and ADHD. I take Xanax for occasional anxiety and Concerta for ADHD. I've been on just about every antidepressant there is for depression. The latest were Cymbalta and Pristiq. Pristiq makes me just kind of Blah. Really don't want to do much. I took Cymbalta a... read more

Sertraline - Can anyone help? Need some advice?

So about 7 months ago I had a bit of a breakdown, work was very stressful, bought a house... everything just got on top of me completely. I took time off work I was on the sick for 4 months. I couldn’t eat I couldn’t get out of bed I was just so depressed and anxious all of the time, I... read more

Escitalopram side effects?

I have been taking escitalopram for 3 days now for my anxiety. Has any one else experienced mild heart palpitations or tightness in chest when starting this? I have read about side effects and I am starting to feel them now. I have had hot flashes and more anxious feeling. I hope it gets better.

What justifies taking marijuana for anxiety?

Hypothetically speaking... a student is diagnosed with ADHD and takes vyvanse as prescribed. However one of the side effects of the medication makes them anxious and makes it difficult for them to go to sleep. They tried a lower dose of vyvanse but they had trouble focusing on it. Is it dangerous... read more

Was just prescribed gabapentin?

I was just prescribed 100mg, 1 to 2 pills as-needed for anxiety. Although with anxiety I am afraid to try them because of all the side effects and problems that could happen. How do you get past the fear of the side effects and problems?

Four year treatment resistant depression. 44 meds . I have much more anxiety, rumination...

... and depression. Does Abilify help as an add on? I have tried it twice before and they took me off but after so many meds, I don’t remember why. Does it tend to make anxiety and agitation worse? I am on Klonopin and Zoloft but just like all the others, they are doing nothing. Anyone had... read more

Who takes Klonopin long term for anxiety, depression, OCD- whatever?

And at what milligram and for how long? I only want good stories. I can’t take anymore horror stories. I have already been on it everyday for four years and now the dose is at 2 mg daily. I’m scared and could use some positive stories.

Buspirone - questions for Buspar users?

For those of you on Buspar, I have a couple questions if you don’t mind? 1) What dose are you at now? 2) What dose did you start seeing effects? 3) How long did it take you to start seeing effects / reach full effect? 4) What side effects did you have and how long did they last for? Are... read more

Does use of clonazepam help with daily morning anxiety?

I have daily nervousness anxiety, especially in the morning. I feel better if I take a very small amount of clonazepam(.25). I also take a low maintenance dose of Escitalopram(5mg). In the past I’ve had 2 clinical depressions. I work on many levels to control my anxiety... yoga, walks,... read more

Clonazepam - Do I really need an SSRI with a benzo?

I am currently on 20 mg Viibryd. I do not have depression but I have suffered with anxiety and I do have GAD. I’m not certain the Viibryd is working but I still have to talk colonzapam .25 2 x a day. Anyone else only on benzo and helps your GAD, anxiety, OCD etc?

Tapering down on Lexapro and relapse in symptoms?

I was on 20mg Lexapro for GAD that was so bad, I could not eat or function. I have been on the meds and feeling amazing for about 7 years. I decided on trying to taper down... slowly... and did 10 MG for about 3-4 months, then went down to 5MG. After 2 weeks of being down to 5MG, I had a massive... read more

Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Escitalopram vs. Fluoxetine?

I was taking escitalopram for about 90 days, started with 5mg then worked up to 20mg. My doctor just switched me to 20mg fluoxetine to see if that helped my symptoms more. I have GAD and social anxiety - does anyone have experience with these two medications and which one did you feel worked better... read more

Citalopram been on for first week side effects ?

First week on this really bad anxiety .. felt really good last night today I’m feeling spaced out and blurred vision feel like I’m going crazy ??? What’s everyone thoughts I do believe there working just need to feel better soon! Anyone feel same.

What should I do about my Effexor XR?

Okay so I have been on Effexor XR for about 4 years, I am on the max dose 300mg and it saved my life from panicking and constant anxiety for awhile and now it's not longer helping me. I'm lost and don't know what to do? It's scary and I'm so anxious

Escitalopram - Very scared need advise ASAP?

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