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Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questions (Page 5)

Related terms: Anxiety Disorder, GAD, General Anxiety Disorder

Displaying 1473 questions associated with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Does Elavil really help with panic attacks?

I have been having anxiety and panic attacks for almost a year now and Im ready to just give up on help. I have been on 7 different antidepressants. Prozac, Effexor, Effexor XR, Celexa, Buspar, etc. NONE of those have helped me. One made me suicidal, one made me so physically sick I was... read more

Anyone having trouble switching generic Ativan (lorazepam)?

Have been taking one half of a 0.5mg lorazepam for years. Lately the Sandoz brand. My pharmacy can no longer get that brand (not sure if Sandoz still makes it). I was given Watson instead. It gave me bad heartburn and when it finally kicked in it felt so strong I was unable to stand up. I asked for... read more

Has anyone ever successfully quit Lexapro?

I have slowly weaned off of Lexapro over a month and for the past week have been not taking any, and my obsessive negative thoughts and anger are out of control. I can't sleep. I've also experienced frequent bouts of anxiety, jitteriness and upset stomach throughout the day, even over... read more

Are Valium or Xanax the best for anxiety disorders?

Side Effect - levothyroxine has it been known to cause severe anxiety attacks?

just been taking 50mg for 15 days now and these attacks are frightening have spoken to my doc who says that is not this drug causing these attacks

How can I get my doctor to prescribe me Xanax?

dont rant to me how addictive it is, ok i know i need it i get severe panic attacks i heard it works i tried something else thats for anxiety and depression it dont work just tell me what to say to my doc i am goin to a new one tomorrow what do i say cant just be like yo doc i need xanax i get... read more

Has anyone on Klonopin had marked weight gain while taking it?

I've had panic disorder (along with depression, OCD, PTSD, major anxiety... ) since childhood. I'm on an anti-depressant now. I've been on most all of the anti-depressants out there and my dr. has now told me that I'm resistant to the anti-depressants. I was on Klonopin years... read more

How do you wean yourself off clonazepam?

I am on clonazepam 0.5mg 2x day. I am weaning myself off and would like to ask if anyone knows how to? My pharmacist said they are fast acting so if I have a panic or anxiety attack then take one. Please help someone because I started cutting the one I take during the day 1/2. The reason why I am... read more

Has anyone taken Buspirone for anxiety and panic attacks?

I tapered off cymbalta and took my last dose 16 days ago. The cymbalta started the anxiety and it has been getting worse the longer I am off it. I was at the hospital this morning and hard a terrible panic attack. They gave me Ativan which slowly helped and when my doctor got there he gave me... read more

Did increasing Lexapro to 20 mg help with anxiety?

I have been on Lexapro for 6 weeks now and although it has helped quite a bit with the depression I am still experiencing anxiety, especially in the morning. I shake like crazy and the only thing that helps is xanax. Of course I don't want to continue taking that! My doctor has suggested... read more

How well does seroquel work for anxiety and panic attacks, is it a tranquilizer?

I have problems with major depression as well as anxiety and panic disorder. I take Effexor for the depression, and Neurontin and Klonopin for the anxiety. This worked well for a while but lately my panic attacks occassionally break through even this. My doctor suggested a small dose of Seroquel.... read more

Has anybody had good results with Lamictal against anxiety attacks?

Hi, I have bipolar and suffer with horrendous anxiety attacks... My psychiatrist recently prescribed Lamictal for my Bipolar but said it has helped many people with anxiety. One reason being that the neurotransmitters that trigger the anxiety can be treated similarly to the ones that trigger... read more

Wellbutrin - can you safely divide a pill, take half the dosage?

the dosage is 75mg and i only take pill as needed... it works for me, mainly for anxiety. trying to have the least amount of symtoms... zoning out. thanks

How long does it take for abilify 2mg to start working for depression and anxiety?

This was just prescribed as an add on to my lexapro that's not helping want to hear experiences on abilify

Escitalopram - Generic Lexapro or name brand?

Hi there. My doctor prescribed me generic Lexapro (escitalopram) for mild situational depression and generalized anxiety. I have read many negative reviews about the generic versus the name brand, but most of those reviews seem to come from people who switched from the name brand to generic... read more

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