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Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questions (Page 36)

Related terms: Anxiety Disorder, GAD, General Anxiety Disorder

Displaying 1473 questions associated with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Was phenobarbital used in the 1960's for anxiety?

My mother told me throughout my life that when I was young she gave me phenobarbital to "make me go to school". I have no memory of being given medication. Was she putting it in my food? Was she lying? I wonder if this was something routinely given to children with school anxiety?

Duloxetine - No libido and extreme anxiety?

I was on Celexa for several years for anxiety and depression. I was then prescribed Lexapro for another 3 years. I tried to stop taking it but each time the anxiety, in particular would return and with full force. In a difficult high anxiety situation I would get a feeling that my blood pressure... read more

Stopping Cymbalta after 3 weeks?

I was prescribed 20mg of Cymbalta for depression and anxiety and I have been taking it now for 3 weeks. It has definitely helped with both of those but it has a very bad side effect that I'm not ok with at all! I am 28 years old and I have completely lost my ability to have an orgasm. This is... read more

When is the best time to take my Lexapro 10mg?

I wake up at different times all week. Ive been taking it at 10pm at night. My dreams have become wildly intense. Real life feeling. My anxiety have died down a big bit but I'm only on my second week and i have noticed that i get a little extra anxious towards the end of my day. I am still... read more

Does Lexapro make you irritable?

I started taking Lexapro at the end of May 2017. I started out on 10mg and it worked great, as I was depressed and have never been on anti depressants before. However, in June my dose bumped up to 20mg and it has been fine but here lately, I have noticed that I have been super irritable and I get... read more

LEXAPRO first week, feedback, and short episodes of spontaneous happiness? Side effects decreasing?

Hello! New to the site, wanted to share my experience and hopefully get some positive comments and tips!. 24 y/o male (strong and traiend, nice job, international lawyer recently graduated, nice carrer prospects, musician and singer, pretty content overall [spoiler: now that i'm getting better... read more

Flagging at CVS Pharmacy?

I'll keep this brief. My psychiatrist is trying to find the right medications for my severe anxiety. I am currently prescribed clonazepam in the day and alprazolam at night, but the low-dose of alprazolam wasn't helping with my sleep. So my doctor prescribed me temazepam for sleep.... read more

Will increasing my Zoloft from 150 to 175 give me any side effects?

New here, just a little background on me - I've been on Sertraline for the past 5ish years. I started on a low dose, and noticed that every 4-6 months I'd have to increase just a bit because the anxiety would come back. I've always been reluctant about putting any sort of medication... read more

Lexapro - what's your experience when it comes to side effects??

Hey everyone! First post here. Today is day 11 for me taking 10mg of Escitalopram. I'm also on 50mg of Lorsartan for high BP. I've been on Losartan before and didn't have any side effects with that med. I spoke with my Dr today and he said that I shouldn't be having these side... read more

Does anyone have bad acne whilst taking pregabalin?

I have been taking pregabalin for over a year to with my anxiety. I started on a low dose and eventually needed to take 600mg daily. When I was on this dose my skin started to get really bad acne (starting on my chin, moving to my cheeks, then nose and then my forehead). My doctor claimed that it... read more

What time is best to take quetiapine xr thru the day?

I took it for the first time last night at 8 and they said it will help me be motivated throughout the day. They also quetiapine regular for sleep and you take both at bedtime. I woke up at 6am tried to cook but laid down and slept all day until 6 pm. They said it may take 5 or 6 hours to activate.... read more

Increasing Effexor XR from 37.5mg to 75mg and got sort of a funny question?

I started on 37.5mg the 6th of January which the first 4 to 5 days gave me heartburn around the clock. So thankfully that went away. OK, began on 75Mg doctor's orders 2 day's ago and noticed felt kinda fatigued those 2 day's and after waking up started having awful cramps and had to... read more

Escitalopram - how long for side effects to subside?

First time asker... started taking 5 mgs of escitalopram on Monday. Felt OK the first few days, but last night was, well, brutal. Migraine, nauseous, heart pounding out of my chest, irrational anxiety. So tired I could not get out of bed and go to work. Help... when will the side effects subside. I... read more

I have raised my Zoloft does from 50 mg to 75 mg?

I just raised my Zoloft from 50mg to 75mg 2 weeks ago. I have been on the 50 mg for 6 years and felt it stopped working. So my Dr raised my dose.The last few days I have had mild anxiety, heart racing and insomnia. I really did not think I would have theses side effects. I am just looking for... read more

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