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Fever Questions (Page 5)

Related terms: High temperature, Pyrexia, Febrility

Displaying 97 questions associated with Fever.

Tylenol PM - I have nothing to give my child for his fever right now of 102.3 and rising... I have

... one half of 500mg ty pm? is it safe if he had motrin the last few hrs?

What is the dosage using Children's Motrin for a child weighing 42 pounds?

What is the dosage for a 7 year old child weighing 42 pounds? She is running a fever of 102.3 F.

Is bactrim ds good for an upper respitory infection?

Having flu like symtoms and a lot of phflem, dark green coming from out of throat and nose... fever also

Can my son take fever reducing tylenol after taking nyquil(cold and runny nose only)?

I gave my 6 yr old 1/2 tbsp of nyquil to help with cold symptoms (it only has meds in it for cold and runny nose). I later realized that he was running a fever. Can I now give him a dose of regular fever reducing tylenol?

What is the Pharmacokinetics of Acetaminophen?

I need to know the Route, Onset, and Peak of this drug?

Gallbladder issues or just a stomach flu?

7 days ago all of a sudden I had nausea, vomiting, yellow diarrhea, fever (102.6), body ache, and chills. Couldn't keep water or food down for 2.5 days. Thought it was just the stomach flu but on day 3 went into my primary care physician in case there was something he could give me. He... read more

While taking fluconazole 150mg TAB can you also take anything with acetaminophen in it like tylenol?

Currently my wife is having high fever. She was taking tylenol from over the counter. Today after seeing a doc she have been prescribed for fluconazole 150 mg and azithromycin 250 mg. She already took the both the drugs as prescribed few hours ago. But the fever is coming back. Can she take tylenol... read more

Do you can take Paracetamol and Telfast both?

Telfast is 180mg. Paracetamol is the common one (white colored pill). I do have urticaria, that's why I'm taking telfast. What more is I cant take many other medicines such as the NSAIDs family. Please answer fast as you can. Thank you.

Should I take asprin or Tylenol while my diverticulitis is flaring up?

I have fever and pain related to diverticulitis. Should I take an NSAID or Tylenol?

Has anyone experienced a sore throat throat with Trintellix?

Has anyone taking trintellix experienced a severe sore throat and a fever after taking it? I've been having the nausea, never thrown up but my throat is sore and I had a fever.

Anyone experienced long term side effects of metronidazole?

I took one tablet of metronidazole and started seizing 3 hours later. I was hospitalized and in ICU for 6 days. Heart and respiration severely impacted and a very high temperature spiking at 43 daily. ICU wasn’t certain that the metronidazole was responsible so gave it to me again. Same... read more

Do I have Mpox (monkeypox)?

How do I keep from getting Mpox (monkeypox)?

How can I treat a sore throat at home?

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