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Erection Questions (Page 5)

Displaying 71 questions associated with Erection.

What are the benefits of doxycycline?

Does doxycycline help in penis erection?

High Blood Pressure - Valsartan and Nebivolol male sexual side effects??

I take Nebivolol with Valsartan and wondering if anyone has any kinda sexual side effects like ED? Thanks

Can I take viagra while using clomipramine?

I am on clomipramine for Pe, and need to take something for a better erection.I have reduced the dosage on the clomipramine as i felt it was dulling me down too much

Cialis & Erections & ED?

I am a little confused about my experiences with Cialis. I was prescribed 10 Mg and it seemed to work for a couple of sessions. Then things stopped. I then tried 20 Mg and limited effects ... and then they did not work. My confusion is this... when you take them do you just wait for the erection to... read more

Sex - Does taking voltaren and duromine affect erection strength?

Have noticed a lack of fullness

I had a few beers then I took a half of a 300mg trazodone next morning I had a painful erection?

After drinking some beers I took a 300mg trazodone. The next day I woke up with an erection and its painful. Its been 12 hours and I still have an erection. Will it go away?

Can high doses of Seroquel effect a man's ability to "forgive me" get it up?

Hello everyone! My fiance is having trouble when we are intimate. He can get an erection but it's hard to keep it that way and sometimes he goes flaccid. He told me his psychiatrist has him on a lethal dose of Seroquel. Even when he tries to self soothe he can't reach orgasm. Please help!... read more

Will diazepam stop me getting an erection?

I may be struggling to get an erection is it the pregabalin causing this problem and if I take valium on top of pregabelin will this stop me getting an erection

Will losartan 25mg help with my ED or make it worse?

I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure and I have noticed before my blood pressure would be pretty high but never thought much of it until in last few months or so having to hold erections long enough for sexual intercourse.. It seems very embarrassing at only being at age 34 but I’m... read more

Trazodone - will this medicine keep you from having sex?

can trazodone keep you from having a erection

Does caffeine improve erections?

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