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Emergency Questions (Page 3)

Displaying 40 questions associated with Emergency.

Will the emergency pill Ella One still work on 5th day?

I decided to stop my pills August 19 Thursday evening 10pm was supposed to be the time. I am taking my pills but I missed it. Friday morning me and my boyfriend had sex after sex i took my pills just to be safe but then Saturday I missed it again so on Sunday afternoon I decided to take all the... read more

What if I just took one dose of Plan B will will it work?

After taking the emergency contraceptives I am experiencing very sharp lower back pain. Might I be pregnant or is it a side effect of the drug?

Does emergency contraceptive pill irregular your menstrual cycle for more than 3 months?

So I have taken unwanted-72 which is an emergency contraceptive pill contains levenogestral synthetic hormone in the month of September after that I got my periods in the month of October it was one day delayed from the expected date. In the month of November and December I got it early from the... read more

I want to know if am pregnant or not?

I took the emergency pill 2 days to my ovulation and now my period has delayed for 4 days. I also have cramps and whitish discharge. Should I be worried? Am I pregnant?

Can my weight affect my emergency contraceptive?

I heard that emergency contraceptives specifically lenor 2 doesn't work when you are obese

Act Fast: What to do if an Accidental Poisoning occurs

What is the Cost of Safe Medication Use?

Overview of COVID-19 Vaccines

Resumen de las vacunas contra la COVID-19

Preparing your Medications for Emergencies

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