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Doctor Questions (Page 79)

Displaying 1269 questions associated with Doctor.

I think I am having some kind of reaction to my adderall please comment!?

Hello I am a 34 year male I been prescribed adderall for about 5 months now. Yesterday I got my new script and I had to call the doctor to get it sent in so I was without adderall for about 15 days. I have been having some side effects the main concern is my skin and possibly a little swelling but... read more

How long does diarrhea last when on this medication?

Got the medicine on Sunday and today the diarrhea is watery and frequently my doctors office is close so I can call I was wondering what will help ease it up

2nd day of taking 25mg of sertraline?

My doctor told me to take 25 mg of sertraline daily at first then after two weeks bump that up to 50 mg daily. I was curious to know when will I start feeling the effects of this medication?

Started Seroquel a week ago. Stopped for two days because it was horrible?

My doctor put me back on. Was only on it for a week before at 25 mg. Put back on at 12.5mg. Tonight had horrible anxiety, extreme crying spells, panic horrible agitation and anger. Am on this with Zoloft which isn’t working and Klonopin that I have been. On for four years everyday because we... read more

Does Cipralex (escitalopram) cause hair loses?

I've been prescribed Cipralex 10mg by my doctor. The actual name for it is escitalopram. I was told by my doctor that I will be on the medication for four weeks for my depression and anxiety. Then I will be on Cipralex 20 mg for four weeks. To be honest I am quite nervous about taking the... read more

Have a script for oxycodone?

I have been under the care of a pain doctor for five years. I moved to Tennessee in November. Received a script for Percocet. Went to every pharmacy in town. All said the same thing, they can't fill it because of the stranglehold the DEA has on the amount the pharmacy can dispense. I have... read more

Help finding an understanding San Diego doctor?

I'm currently in my early 30s and have been having issues from a surgery over 6 years ago. To sum it up, I've been suffering from pain and being as young as I am I cant find a doctor who understands how much the pain is affecting my everyday life. I've done physical therapy among... read more

Ivermectin with alprazolam?

I took 1 12 mg ivermectin while I was taking 0.5 mg alprazolam 3 weeks ago. I can hardly sleep now. Did I cause brain damage? My doctor gave it to me for mold and lyme. I went to a neuro and he did not say much what do you think? How can I know? How do I repair any damege?

Doctor transitioning concerns medication?

So my case got closed at the agency I was receiving mental health treatment both therapy and medication. Now I'm changing doctors and theirs no guarantee the new doctor will prescribe one of my medications adderall. How can I make I this a smooth transition & not worry? Cause I have been... read more

Does Jardiance cause dizziness, unsteadiness when standing up, stomach upset and occasional vomit?

My doctor switched me to Jardiance. Lightheaded and dizzy after taking. Trouble with balance. Stomach upset and vomit up lunch 2-3 times per week.

Wellbutrin 75mg. for seasonal depression. I feel like I drank a 100 cups of coffee.

I feel like I want to jump out of my own skin and I`m very easily agitated. Doctor started me on 150XL, I couldn`t take that amount at all. The anger was bad as was the feeling of too much coffee even worse. Now I`m on 75mg but can`t take that everyday either, so I take it every other day and I... read more

Is lactose in Vesicare 10mg or Toviaz 8mg extended release?

I am allergic to lactose and my doctor is suggesting one of these. Thank you.

Can I take Metrogel (antibiotic) with citalopram?

I was prescribed Metrogel before I started citalopram. So I didn't have the chance to ask my doctor if it's OK to take the two. If it safe?

How do I get off Xanax and Klonopin at the same time?

I’ve been taking Klonopin during the day (1mg) and Xanax at night (1/2-1mg) I’ve been taking Klonopin for a long time - about 25 years, until a few months ago. Began Xanax, but not for very long. Now I’m off both and having weird withdrawals. I feel like an electrical impulse is... read more

I've been on gabapentin for years. Like 15 to 20 years. Could I be having side effects now?

I take four 300 mg capsules a day of gabapentin and have for at least 15 years, a few months ago my legs started to swell and became very painful. doctor is doing a sleep study. I also take a water pill which He does not want to increase. but I can hardly walk. I have been told it could be the... read more

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