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Clitoris Questions

Displaying 5 questions associated with Clitoris.

My 3 year-old daughter has cuts at the base of her clitoris what can I do to relieve her pain?

My 3 year-old daughter just called me while she was in the loo after peeing, she complained about pain on her vagina. When i checked i saw that as the base of her clitoris is red and has small cuts on both sides of the clitoris (on the skin folds). The cuts looks similar to the cuts that most... read more

Sharp pain in clitoris?

I have sharp pains going through my clitoris. These worsen when I cross my legs or do any sort of movement. The pain started a few hours ago and got so bad that I couldn't focus on my work and had to take an extra strength Tylenol which barely helped. It feels like a cut or something but... read more

Why is my clitoris sore?

My clitoris has been sore on and off lately It started when I was at my boyfriends house a week ago but it went away until I was at home it started again for a good few hours and it hurt more I peed so I stopped drinking anything to do with sugar because growing up I had the same pain if I had to... read more

My clitoris/vagina hurts immensely - HELP?

I usually masturbate by rubbing my clitoris (penetration freaks me out) and recently I noticed that at the slightest touch of my hand, it just HURTS. When I walk in a certain way it hurts, when my clothing rubs me it hurts, and when i lay on my stomach it hurts. I saw online that it may be swollen... read more

Fluconazole may have started working, but then stopped?

I have a yeast infection, which I have had for maybe 2 weeks now for taking a lot of antibiotics. My yeast infection causes my clitoris to be hypersensitive and makes me feel like I need to urinate all the time. I started use gyno-daktarin cream which got rid of the itchiness and and the burning.... read more

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