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Brand Questions (Page 9)

Displaying 124 questions associated with Brand.

Sharp eye pain caused by latanoprost?

I've been prescribed latanoprost (generic version as the pharmacy was out of stock on the more expensive brand) after having ICL surgery which caused my eye pressure to rise. After 1 week use I'm having sharp eye pain that doesn't go away. Has anyone else experienced this?

Does hydroxyzine affect birth control (specifically Mili)?

Mili is the brand of birth control Hydroxyzine dosage (25 mg tablet)

Does anyone take methylpro who can help me. I bought mine from Amazon this time from Fortress brand?

I messaged Methylpro, and I asked them is this one of their legit suppliers. They said it was. Now I just compared my older Methylpro pill to the one I just bought on Amazon. The Amazon pill is a little bigger, so now I’m concerned about it. I sent a message to Methylpro about it. But for... read more

Need additive free high blood pressure pills due to allergic reaction?

I need to find a brand of high blood pressure pills that do not have the following ingredients: Sodium lauryl sulphate, silica and most if not all E- colorings, only E171 may be OK as my mother's blood pressure went up after consumption and she almost fainted.

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