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Borderline Personality Disorder Questions (Page 3)

Related terms: Personality Disorder, Borderline, BPD, Emotional Regulation Disorder, ERD, Emotional Dysregulation Disorder, Emotional Intensity Disorder, EID, Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder, EUPD, Emotion-Impulse Regulation Disorder, EIRD, Impulsive Personality Disorder, IPD

Displaying 53 questions associated with Borderline Personality Disorder.

I need to know what ipl means on my clonazepam 1mg bottle. It's driving me crazy!?

I got a prescription yesterday for 1mg of clonazepam twice a day. I've been taking them and everything is good far but, My question is, on the bottle it says clonazepam 1mg ipl. What does ipl mean? I've tried to look it up and can't find anything. Anybody know? It makes me so... read more

Clonazepam - How much is too much and how often can I take it?

I've been prescribed .5 mg and to take 1 or 2 tablets when needed. Just wondering how much is to much? "When needed" is so general and what if I feel I need it 3 times a day some days. I don't currently take it every day but I am feeling extremely overwhelmed and am anxious... read more

Quetiapine - How can I stop weight gain with being on 300mg of quietapine?

Can you control your weight or even lose weight whilst taking this drug

Lithium - How long untill you start to feel less suicidal ideations or thoughts?

How long until you start to feel less suicidal ideations or thoughts from taking lithium.?

I took just one 5mg escitalopram dose can I stop?

I have emotional instability while I'm doing EMDR therapy for PTSD the therapy and what we're talking about makes my moods unstable. After a bad mood swing episode I went to a psychiatrist in urgency and he prescribed escitalopram 10mg he warned me of the side effects (anxiety and such)... read more

What are the best meds to treat BPD? If any exist?

I am not 100% sure what medications are available to treat borderline personality disorder (BPD) because so far the only thing I have been told is that medications do not help with borderline personality disorder only therapy.

Aripiprazole - Side effects I’m experiencing with the medical aripipzrole?

I have recently been put on aripipzorole from quetiapine and literally cannot sit or lay still I’m aggravated extremely and can’t function my arms probably almost like I’m dead weight but have to keep pacing /moving stretching etc I got into the Bath and had an instant feeling of... read more

What is the best dose for the treatment of vitamin D deficiency in my case?

I am a 32 year old male and weigh 80 kg. I have Vitamin D deficiency 3mg/dl and calcium deficiency 7mg/dl, I suffer from (BD, BPD, overvalued ideas and anxiety disorder).  I take Zoloft 50 mg, Abilify 10 mg, Depakine 1500 mg, and Lamictal 200 mg.  What is the best dose of vitamin D for me... read more

Does anyone take olanzapine in the morning?

I take it at night and I really haven’t noticed a difference in my paranoia and anxiety. I have Bipolar and BPD. My anger hasn’t lessened either. My doctor said I could start taking it in the morning, just hoping to hear some success stories I guess. Seems like most people take it at... read more

What are replacement drugs for Seroquel?

What are alternative drugs for quietapine/Seroquel? In the old days they prescribed lithium salt for bipolar disorder. Quietapine/Seroquel side effects are serious! Any other suggestions?

Interactions with vilazodone?

Today I started 10mg. of vilazodone and I also take 450mg. of Lithium twice daily, 100mg. of lamotrigine twice daily, 40 mg of nadolol daily and clonazepam at least once daily. Has anyone else had this combination and has anything bad happened as far as side effects?

Does alprazolam ODT work faster than alprazolam?

Does alprazolam ODT begin working faster than regular pill alprazolam?

How long does it take to detox from Seroquel or quetiapine withdrawal?

I am trying to stop Seroquel, or the generic quetiapine on my own. I have no doctor. Mine quit during COVID-19-19 and they have not replaced him in over a year. I just FaceTime with nurses every 3 months and they find doctors that just call in the prescriptions. I am on 600 mg of quetiapine a... read more

What are the fillers in Xanax (alprazolam)?

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