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Baclofen Questions

Displaying 45 questions associated with Baclofen.

What drugs have you found effective in treating RLS and PLM?

I'm currently on Requip, but I would like to know if anyone has tried Mirapex, Baclofen, Horizant, or anything else for Restless Legs Syndrome and Periodic Limb Movement? If so, what did you like or dislike about the drug? Also, this applies to what has worked or not worked for you pertaining... read more

Is gabapentin 300mg capsules actually the same as Neurontin capsules?

My doctor gave me this for the pain in my back.

Fibromyalgia flare up HELL! Worst flare of my entire life now...

I have Norco, Opana, Xanax and Baclofen. I've taken all of them, to no avail !! I am afraid of the Opana situation, as some of you know my history with OxyContin, my oh so lovely cold turkey withdrawal off of it, true hell on earth it was. I've taken a hot bath, I am trying to relax, yet... read more

My toes are clenched up and my doctor had never seen anything like it. Anyone have any ideas?

Anyone had this problem or have any ideas to treat it? My inner 3 toes are clenched up 24/7. It hurts so badly that it makes it hard to sleep. It makes it difficult to walk. Also the clenching is so bad that my big toe constantly overlaps on top of the toe next to it. My leg is starting to hurt... read more

Postherpetic Neuralgia - Has anyone had success with curing their PHN?

I have tried many medications/treatments... Topamax, Lyrica, Famvir, Carbatrol, Carbatrol + Baclofen, and acupuncture. None have worked. I have had PHN in my face for about a year now, and the only thing that sometimes helps is Percocet (makes me very, very ill). Any suggestions? I know I... read more

Hi everyone .I have been on baclofen for about 2 years. Im starting to wean off it because I was?

... injected w/botox yesterday in my neck and back. I soo Hope it works for spasms! My muscles have felt like rocks for so long. Has anyone here tried botox? Can you tell me how soon I will feel relief?Has anyone had complications weaning off baclofen?

Suboxone/Subutex reactions...anybody?

I am curious to know if anyone has ever had a reaction to subs that is similar to what I am having. It feels like (to me) that the subs are building up in my system and causing some symptoms that are similar to RA and Fibro. I was wondering if it is, in fact, my disease, or could it be the... read more

Long term Baclofen?

I take Neurontin for nerve pain from Transverse Myelitis. It helps, but doesn't take all the pain away. Doctor put me on Baclofen. Everything I read said it's not good to take this long-term, and I've been warned by others on the drug that it's AWFUL when you try to get off of... read more

Baclofen - How long does it take baclofen to kick in?

I was diagnosed with TJ N about seven years ago. I tried the usual, tegretol, neurontin, and Gabapentin before finally having GammaKnife Surgery (actually radiation) performed. Now, six years later and I am experiencing intense pain once more. Today, my Dr. Started me on Baclofen - 5mg three times... read more

I have only been taking Baclofen for 9 days 3x 10mg a day for neck pain and headaches, but the?

... drowseyness was too much for me and i was still getting headaches. Contacted my doctor who advised to just stop taking it, however i had read on the packet that you shouldnt just stop taking this medication because of the withdrawral symptoms. So i have been taking just 10mg a day for 3 days.... read more

My gastro doc has perscribed Baclofen ( a muscule relaxer) for esophageal spasms. I do think I may?

... have had at least one of these spasms during a severe gerd attack. But due to also having been diagnosed with costochondritis (inflamation of the cartalidge in the ribs) I cannot tell if I'm still having mild spasms. All these issues happened after the severe gerd attack. I take PPI's... read more

What are withdrawal symptoms of baclofen?

how can you get over them

How long does baclofen stay in your system?

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