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Anxiety Questions (Page 137)

Related terms: Anxiety States, Anxious, Nervousness, Worry, Anti-anxiety

Displaying 2958 questions associated with Anxiety.

Has anyone tried CBD gummies or oil with Zoloft to help with side effects? Before I was on meds?

... I ate a gummie or 2 to help with anxiety, but it didn't. I'm on a low dose now of Zoloft, 25mg on day 11, my GP said to stay like this for another week then increase to 50mg, i feel like I still need the Xanax too much, but I'm so sensitive, I'm nervous about side effects... read more

Increased vivid nightmares on Lexapro — should I stop taking it?

I have been on Lexapro (5mg) for I believe 11 or 12 days now for anxiety and depression. I was previously on Zoloft for only 10 days and my psychiatrist had me switch due to some nasty side effects (I actually posted a question on here about that at the time too). Anyway, I’m on the Lexapro... read more

When Zoloft dosage is increased how long for the new dosage to take effect? Thanks?

Started at 25 mg. Then to 50. Then 75. Now at 100. Been at 100 for 3 weeks. Notice some difference but still some anxiety

Changing from Pristiq 50mg to generic venlafaxine (Effexor). Is 75mgs correspondant to the Pristiq?

I can't get the Pristiq easily where I live, they only prescribe venlafaxine and say it is the same. I know it is not, but must try it, even temporarily. Can I mix the 2? Alternate days of 50 Pristiq and 75 venlafaxine? I will receive more Pristiq in a few months.. So worried about... read more

Lexapro, day 5. Please help not sure what to think?

I was on Lexapro for about a year and a half 5 years ago. Recently, at the beginning of this month, it’s like something in my brain snapped and I started having unbearable panic episodes which led me to the hospital and then my GP, who started me back on Lexapro 10 mg. I’m on day 5, and... read more

How can I stop taking Trintellix without having withdrawal syndrome?

I went 4 days without taking it and started to have anxiety. So I started taking it again. How to stop without my anxiety coming back? I also take buspirone. Is Trintellix usually also prescribed for anxiety, or is it mostly for depression? Sometimes I think Trintellix makes my anxiety worse. I... read more

Will restart Zoloft after 3 weeks of stopping work again?

Started with Zoloft for 1 week then went to dr to get rf and he switched to lexapro i took for 5 1/2 weeks cried anxious whole time!! then switch to Zoloft was on Zoloft for 3 weeks 25mg 1st week, 50mg 2nd week and 75mg 3rd. I have alot of anxiety and crying!!! Dr switched me to buspar and said to... read more

I’m switching from Effexor XR to Zoloft. Any advice?

I have been on Effexor XR since August, so only 5 months, I’m currently at 112.5mg. My doctor wants me to drop down to 75mg starting today and start the Zoloft 50mg then in a week drop down to 37.5mg and then a week later stop the Effexor. From everything I’ve read this seems fast and... read more

Increasing my dosage of Lexapro. How long until I notice change and what to expect?

I recently started taking Lexapro for anxiety issues I randomly got while everything in my life was good. The first 2 1/2 weeks were fine, I felt great like my old self then all off a sudden I’m back to where I started. So I’m upping the dosage from 10mg to 20mg what should I expect?

Should I stop Zoloft of wait this misery out? I've been on it for a few weeks now.

Started on 50 mg and had minimal side effects. Slept good, some diarrhea for about two days and better mood after a week but still some anxiety and agoraphobia. My doctor raised the dosage to 100 mg and that's what it all started. Severe insomnia and frequent diarrhea at least 3 times or more... read more

How to go about increased anxiety/acne after removal of Nexplanon?

Hi there, I had the implant (Nexplanon) removed a little over a year ago. Mainly due to the fact that it was mildly making me break out and I was no longer in a relationship and felt that I had no use for it as well as seeing more research about how progestin can be harmful to reproductive health,... read more

Does vitamin B12 interfere with Lexapro? Since I started taking b12 I feel like my lexapro quit?

I started back on lexapro 10 mg in January and recently found out my B12 level is 288 and my Vitamin D is 22. My doctor prescribed D2 but dismissed the low B12 because it is in low normal range. When I questioned her about it she said I could supplement if I wanted to. I’ve been thinking... read more

How long does it take gabapentin to leave your body?

I took gabapentin for two days - Friday night and Saturday morning for anxiety (as needed). This medication has tons of side effects. I felt unwell today. I thought I am coming down with the something again. I read the side effects on here and it does say flu like symptoms and feeling of warmth. I... read more

Phentermine - Should I take my entire 37.5 mg tablet or continue breaking it in half?

I have been taking my Phentermine 37.5 mg tablet and breaking it in half, happen the morning sometimes half in the afternoon. Not getting much energy etc. Slight headaches and slide anxiety though. My pharmacist just told me that I should be taking the entire tablet in the morning. I'm kind of... read more

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Anxiety and Stress, Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Performance Anxiety

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