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Anxiety and Stress Questions (Page 21)

Related terms: Stress, Acute Stress Reaction

Displaying 667 questions associated with Anxiety and Stress.

Been on lexapro 20mg for 4 years, feel it's not working for me anymore. Sadness, hopelessness!?

So in 2009 I had my first baby. I've had GAD since I was 19, was on Effexor XR for a short time before getting pregnant, was off it during my pregnancy and despite being more worried than average, I had a great pregnancy and delivery. However I had horrible, constant panic attack anxiety... read more

Take Luvox in morning or at night?

The prescribing information says I should take luvox at night before bed instead of the morning. Does anyone know why or if its better to take it at bedtime? To me it makes more sense to have it active in your system during the day.

Can hydroxyzine make your blood pressure go up?

I have a low blood pressure,but I feel as throug my pressure has been going up and down. The humming in my ears. Off and on. Could it be the pill

How long does it take for Klonopin to work? Does it have to build up in your system?

After having depression/anxiety symptoms and not being able to see my Dr for three weeks, I restarted on Prozac 20mg using some unfinished meds. After 10 days I became extremely agitated with constant rapid heartbeat; my anxiety symptoms magnified greatly, and worst of all, I have been unable to... read more

I have been taking amitriptyline for 2 days now, for vestibular migraine preventative & depression.?

... How long should i expect to feel drowsy and woozy, like im floating on my feet when I walk and kind of unsteady? I get dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea & anxiety when migraines hit also. Is there anyone else going through the same thing? I feel so woozy and tired

How do I switch from my Celexa to my Lexapro?

Hello everyone! I am taking Celexa now and have went from 20 mg to 10 mg the last few days. I am unsure how long to taper off of my Celexa. I have my Lexapro on hand and I'm not sure how/when to start taking it. Has anyone out there made this switch before? I really need advice please. I have... read more

Prozac - Best time to take Fluoxetine or no best time?

I took my first fluoxetine pill yesterday at 1pm, woke up in my sleep at about 1:45am and started having a really bad trip... Felt like I was sinking, a bit numb and really panicky. Can't get back to sleep now. Not sure if placebo or the pill is already taking effect? If so can't really... read more

When will Amitriptyline withdrawal symptoms go?

Hi, my doctor has told me to reinstate my amitriptyline as i am having really bad withdrawal symptoms. Does anyone know how long after reinstating i should get relief. I was on the drug for 3 years and tapered and stopped 3 months ago and started reinstating 3 days ago. Thanks

How long does it take for Citalopram to work?

I have been experiencing severe anxiety for a few months now so first of all my Dr prescribed Beta Blockers but they didn't work, and then they prescribed Citalopram and Diazepam. They gave me the Diazepam to take whilst the Citalopram takes its time working (but I refuse to take the Diazepam... read more

Day 12 on lexapro having really bad insomnia?!?

Hi all. Firstly I was on aropax (Paxil) for 15 years to help with anxiety and depression. The last nine months I have been having extremely bad anxiety again so bad I had to quit my job. Saw my DR and he suggested I did a straight swap from aropax to lexapro. He advised me of some side effects.... read more

Celexa - Coming off Citolopram 10mg after 2 weeks?

I've been on 10mg of Citolopram for 2 weeks. I was reluctant to take it as I don't consider myself depressed and I've hated it since the first day. It makes me so tired I can't function and gives me terrible nightmares. I've always been a morning person and now I feel... read more

Sertraline - Help horrible heart burn from 50mg Zoloft what to do?

Started on 25 mg for 10 days doc uped it 50 mg horrible heartburn and burnt gas how can I cure this?

How long before the Prozac side effects stop after discontinuation?

I was put on Prozac for depression and only took it for about 4 days. It caused some pretty horrible side effects in me and agitated my mild anxiety tenfold, which then turned into a constant state of severe, nearly uncontrollable panic. I was told by my doctor to discontinue it. I've been... read more

I ran out of my SSRI (zolft) prescription and I'm experiencing withdrawal symptoms?

So I've been on 50mg of sertraline a day for about 8/9 months now. Generally have had good experiences with it but about a week ago my current prescription ran out. I have repeats but at the moment I'm not in a financial position to buy another pack. I haven't had my dose for a full... read more

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