i have been suffering from opiate addiction and have been on and off using oxycontin 80mg and heroin for the passed 2 years. yesterday i was placed on suboxone induction to help with withdrawals and it is working but only to a certain point. i feel like the relief im getting dosent last as long as it should and i dont really want to increase the dosage i am on 12 mgs total daily ( 8 mgs in the morning and 4mgs at night). even at this point i feel like the sub dosent work as well as it should because i still am experiencing moderate withdrawals and i would like to switch from suboxone to methadone. i was wondering how i would go about doing this ? i am not sure if the psychiatrist i went to yesterday can prescribe methadone or i would to go to a clinic who probably wont accept me because of my age. but i would be willing to give methadone a shot because i know people who it has worked wonderfully for. anyhelp would be greatly appreciated
Suboxone to methadone ?
Question posted by chris79 on 17 Sep 2009
Last updated on 3 June 2018
83 Answers Page 6
Hey Chris79
I agree with jdogg. I myself have been on a relatively low dosage of pain relievers, tramadol and lortab for about 3 years. So, don't have your long term experience, but, I do know that methadone, I believe depletes dopamine, and having a history of depression myself, this is not something that was ever consideredwhether for pain relief or if needed withdrawal. That's just my experience. And, sorry don't know or have experience on the drug suboxone. I don't know if you are on other drugs, specifically antidepressants, but, I do think, there is always a delicate balance that is individual to each person and your doctor should be able to somehow find a treatment that not only helps with your addiction, but also just coping abilities, mood, and trying to get thru your hard challenge. I am no expert and just giving you my opinion. But, I'm one of those people who really talks to my dr.
about exactly the side effects or reasons this drug is prescribed, until I'm satisfied as to what to expect and why the dr. prescribes a medication. I also should say, I have never gotten to the point had to change my pain drugs, because I've tried to always keep the doses low as i could for my pain. May change
someday, but for now, I control using my meds very conservatively. Hope this helps in some way and sorry can't help with the question regarding suboxone.
Hi Man,My name is John and had been on methadone for 10 years until i detoxed off it in May and needless to say i was back on a rig within a week.I just started suboxone 3 days ago after a run on dilaudid,10 8,s a day.If i was in your situation i would get the suboxone incresed until you feel better.Unfortunatley there are no quick fixe,s for addiction so give it some time.Going on methadone you will probaly feel the same way until you get at the right dose which from all i have read and heard would probably be 120mg,s.It,s youre choice but try and get all the info you can so you can make an informed dcecision.Good Luck
I honestly would like people to realize that the problem is that you never stopped using! even with 5 mgs of Methadone, people tend to think their habit is under control just because they are getting them from somewhere else. I have been tricked by this as well... when I went cold turkey from 50 mgs of methadone I was using like I never stopped... this is why. We never stopped.
sounds like my kinda thinking!!! This is merely away to tax the opiates!! They have enough people on it now so what did they do "But ruin the oxycontin as far as strenth goes so suboxone would beat it" And kicking percocets and vicodins off the shelf is next in line the've been saying they were gonna do that for quite sometime now because of the tylenol,and then Suboxone is gonna be the only decent "high" around as far as opiates go replacement,maintenence,whatever!! MONEY MAKER,WOW!!
"WONDER WHO'S GOT THE PATEND ON THAT F##KING"?? Now lets SEE it wouldnt be our precious goverment now would it?? My sister was just fussing awhile ago about the poor ole working class taken the blunt of all the finance of america you know the 1/3 that work and pay for 2/3rds that have never worked to stand in line with their hands out for all the welfare they can get.Well I guesss theres only one thing to do folks "GREASE UP" and take it like and american,BORN AND REARED HERE!!! Wow at least most of us want have to get used to it, since most of us ended up addicted because of working to the point of surgery, too pay the taxes for someone to live, and eat, better every month than we did.I heard foodstamps went up again here the other day.And right after that I heard the federal goverment and social security disability would not be getting a increase again this year. Yall have a good one,God bless america!
High! I was addicted to ANY and EVERYTHING!!! I have been on and off Methadone for 12 years, went from 130mg to now 50 and the last few years havent touched any ops, but before on the streets,I shot all kinds of drugs,even heroin while I was on 120mg. I am doing much better(I am out of the city, But Suboxone is $20 a day, where Meth is free. But Serequel and Ciprilex with the meth has helped me with tapering. I get nervous getting down to low doses of meth and the severe withdrawal, seeing I was used to sometimes 200mg of methadone,which did not knock me on my ass. I have a VERY high tolerance and benzodiazepines did not help. But I am working at it...
High! I was addicted to ANY and EVERYTHING!!! I have been on and off Methadone for 12 years, went from 130mg to now 50 and the last few years havent touched any ops, but before on the streets,I shot all kinds of drugs,even heroin while I was on 120mg. I am doing much better(I am out of the city,) But Suboxone is $20 a day, where Meth is free. But Serequel and Ciprilex with the meth has helped me with tapering. I get nervous getting down to low doses of meth and the severe withdrawal, seeing I was used to sometimes 200mg of methadone,which did not knock me on my ass. I have a VERY high tolerance and benzodiazepines did not help. But I am working at it...
Misled, I agree with you for sure!!
don,t do it.that is a drug you do not want to mess with.i was on it for 2 years,i got so addicted,when the started giving me take homes 7 days worth it would be gone in 3 days,i even started to shoot it up.i even called the police and said someone stole my methadone.it worked twice.look i know you are young i am 33 ive been an addict since i was 16.i am on suboxone and it does work,tell your dr you are still craving he will up your dose.but please listen to me methadone will make you a slave,i came off it because my mother knew how out of control my use was,so she quit paying for it. it took me 3 months to stop hurting all over,and getting my head right again.sorry my answer is so long,but i just dont want you to suffer like i did..good luck
i have take homes and never once have i took extra. it just depends on who u r and how bad you want ur life back. and about that other person saying you have to spend so much money HA. it is 11$ a day and just think about how much u were spending on oc's everyday and if sub. isn't working for u then do not be afraid to try methadone!!! if u don't have the money u can always go and try to get medicaid witch pays 4 every dime of ur methadone!
Hi jdogg33,
I was wondering how long you have been sober? I am trying to detox myself off Suboxone. Do u not think any drug makes u a slave?? I am not trying to be critical. I just want to be free of all the drugs. If u set your mind to do it and have support dosent that work? I dont know because I keep relapsing. I want to be off Suboxone, but after reading all these postings Im not sure. I know I dont want to go back to taking Oxy, and everything else under the sun, but maybe 8mg 0f sub a day is not bad idea for a month or so.
it sounds like to me you are not equiped mentally yet to be off suboxone i have only been completely clean for three months now.you need to be in some kind of group setting so you can deal with your emotions and have the tools to stay off of opiates.trust me i have been an opiate addict for 10 yrs on and off mostly on.
I just want to add to the comment that said if needed you could go on medicade & your methadone would be paid for... WELL NOT IN MOST STATES ! Not the one I live in or our boarder states, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana. etc. Please, please, I just can not stress how expensive, addictive, and almost impossiable to ever come off of methadone is that I hope you explore other options 1st & methadone use & their clinics be your last choice. Most clinics treat you as a # only & want your money & could care less about you, so I pray you find your peace, regardless which road u choose. love nancy
I agree i was only on Methadone for 8 months and it was hell coming off this week. But not as bad as i thought. I bought one suboxone and split it into 8 pieces and started it 3 days after i took my last 5mg methadone dose. I feel great today its my 6th day! You have to stay on the suboxone, METHADONE WILL TAKE OVER YOUR LIFE AND THE WITHDRAWAL WILL MAKE YOU CRAZY! I cant stress this enough. It is hard to quit so dont do something you will regret, its stupid.
It is 9.00 a day here (Oklahoma), but I could get it free at the Indian clinic if I wanted to drive an hour and a half. I want to get off of it, but not because it has ruined my life, I am just ready. I feel limited by what I can achieve being on it. But it did save my life, keep me off the street and out of the pen. I agree with them, it depends on you and if you want to make it work or if you are looking for a steady, legal high. You won't be happy if that is what you are looking for.
Hey chris, this is another chris ha ha, but neways that girl sweetie has it right some people do jus fine on merthadone especially if they have the money to afford it and they don't abuse it like that other guy said he did I have been on both suboxone and methadone I was on subs 48 mg of sub for a year then I dropped to 24mg. To quickly and made some mistakes, to make a long story short I switched to methadone about 6 months ago and it has worked wonders for me and I even am on a relatively low dose of 50 mg so u don't have to jack your tolerance up like most people in clinics do. Jus know its your choice and both the drugs work well at doing what they are meant to do, KEEPIN YOU OFF DOPE! So what does it matter which one u decide on go with whatever works best bc if u r looking for something long term like I believe you are the methadone will work jus fine
"I even called the police and said someone stole my methadone.it worked twice!!! " Hilarious!! That reminds me of one time when I was tripping on acid, sitting in Healthcall, (England), waiting to see a doctor for over half an hour. I finally get in to see this doctor and she asks "what's wrong?". I said "well, I've taken acid and... my hand hurts!" Don't know what was going through my head...
Dear Chris..I see from your post it has been 2 weeks now and I hope and pray the suboxone is working better and your dose is adjusted. Please please stay away from methadone clinics! They are there to keep you comming back. Remember if you do not come back every day and pay you $14 $15 or whatever those people do not have a job. How can you ever have a decent life spending over $400 a month on methadone? With the sub you will wean off one day and the doctors normally have your best interest at heart. I hope the past 2 weeks have given you time to get your dos right & your head a lit'l better honey if not please talk to someone, if you got a little weak and went to the meth clinic please find a better doc for the sob and try again, there is a light at the end of the tunnel with that, only thousands of dollars and years of standing in line hooked w/methadone clinics.
Now dont get me wrong..I would rather see u at a meth clinic than on the street looking for heroine or oxy's but the furture for a real cure I believe is thru the subs & all the help you can get from friends family and if you believe (I DO) GOD. I will pray for all of you. Just DO NOT GIVE UP. DREAM ... YOU ARE SO WORTH A FUTURE!
I am on methadone (3yrs). I am in college and I have my Associate's. I wanted to get my R.N. baccalaureate, but I am afraid I will not be able to get off the methadone and they will drug test me before I can do clinicals. I am sure they have a good test at a hospital, I could be wrong. But I cannot work the floor on methadone anyway, it would not be right. I don't want to go through all the schooling and not be able to finish. But I really want to be an RN. How can I go from methadone to subox. I have heard that they make you withdraw from the methadone first and that it is just as addicting and I am afraid to try. II have switched to a Psych degree, but I still want to get off the methadone. Has anyone successfully gone from 130mg to subox w/o sick and half dead/
Velcro722, I have successfully gone from 13yrs of 150mg methadone to suboxone. It can be done although not as easy as painkillers or heroin to suboxone. I am at a year now and have gone from 32mg day sub to 4mg day . I feel your pain and anger for getting hooked on methadone. It truly is the devil on a par of devilry as much as methamphetamine(I was co-addicted).
In England we get all our drugs for free, any prescribed medication. If you work you simply tick jobseekers on the prescription. You don't pay, nobody does. We get our rent paid, out kids paid for, we get paid if we are looking for work and we get paid to get high every day.
As for subutex/suboxone, it's no better than methadone but does stop the using on top. Just don't sniff it, you can get in real trouble sniffing it regularly!
I have watched my son battle with heroin addiction and then methadone addiction... DO NOT GO ON METHADONE... it is as addictive as heroin !!!
Its the same addiction.
Understandably, loved ones who see their family members choose a methadone clinic in order to try and get their H addiction under control, may come to the conclusion that methadone is just as addictive! This i can say from first hand experience is completely untrue! The facts are these: Many addicts simply use methadone to offset getting heroin withdrawals. They then use H wwhen they wanna get that RUSH from the intense high that heroin produces, especially via injection! Some people, however, truly wanna get out of this circle of sickness and they utilize the methadone treatment , earn priviledges such as take-homes so they may only have to appear once weekly aat the clinic and they pick up 6 bottles of liquid methadone.
Also, i have never met anyone who get HIGH from methadone because it is simply not that type of narcotic! It is very long acting and there is really no way to get high on it unless someone actually tries to by adding a combination of pills to thier regular dose which makes them look like nodding druggies due to the addition of laaaarge amounts of tranquilizers, clonidine and promethazine which is known as a cocktail that some meth users take with their dose in order to basically be aenestetized--so it looks when one see's them. Any treatment may or may not work. It's the person who muct decide whether they prefer to utilize that treatment as it should be, or abuse it solely to continue their ultimate escaape from reality and this world! PLEASE, let's not blame the gun for the murder, or the treatment
for the addicted persons' decision to continue abusing drugs. I myself never felt anything while on methadone for 5 years at 65 mgs daily, and now at 20 mgs daily which i now get from my physician for pain. Anyone who takes this medication as prescribed will not experience any narcotic HIGH that one would get say from Heroin, Fentanyl, Oxycontin or Dilaudid... these are the drugs that pharmacies tend to hide-lock-up, because absolutely noone who would undertake, robbing a pharmacy, has methadone on their list.. ask anyone in the know!
How come people stay on these for so many years?Suboxone has a half life as long as 3 days. Methadone has a half life as long as 7 days. It is these long half lives that make these drugs difficult to quit. They hide in the fatty tissue in the human body and accumulate over time. They accumulate far more than other opiate drugs do. While a heroin addict might suffer 8 days of physical withdrawal while quitting cold-turkey style, a Suboxone user would suffer up to 3 weeks of physical withdrawal, and a Methadone user would suffer up to 2 months of physical withdrawal. No wonder many patients found these drugs that were supposed to help them rid addiction have become more powerful and addictive drugs instead.
100 % true thank goodness very refreshing ;)
hi chris79 how are you? not to good hey. i will agree with the other comments left. i was on suboxone for 12mths up until 3 weeks ago and then was put on a low dose of methadone. that was a very bad choice by my g.p. as i'm back to square one again. what i'm trying to say is talk to your doc and tell him/her what your feeling and they can increase the dose if required. i know you dont want to increase but if you dont do what your body is telling you to do, you may fail. please be very patient with the subs programme. take care and let me know how it all works out for you. bevck41... :)))))
I agree with you bevck41. I was on suboxone for a yr, and then put on methadone too. I know we are all different, but just my opinion... I would try and be patient with the suboxone. Ruth
Ruth... please help. I have been on suboxone for a month. I stupidly jumped up and down in doses and did dope again so now i am hooked on both. Is it physically possible to take a low dose of methadone for 4-5 days to ease the suboxone detox for a little bit? Will that just prolong suboxone withdrawal?
Youl be withdrawing up & down on n off like a rollacoaster ride ;( try level off amount of opiates in your system go bk to basics & start again on getting as low as u possibly can u may feel crappy bit atleast you will b level & comfortable x bcos chasing getting on off opiates isnt good your stuck in a loop to break this get the opiates low as ya can & any blockers too slowly but surely is the best advice I can give you hope it all works out add me as friend if needing any detailed help I've been thru alot & can give my opinion good luck god bless x
Hey chris79... I am one of those people that methadone did work for but I had to want it and make it work. I spent over 6yrs on it from my 10 yr battle with heroin and watched most people at the clinics fail. If I had to give you a peice of advice id tell you honestly to stay as far way from methadone as possible. Im on subutex now which I was able to make the switch from methadone and that works great for me. Id stay on the suboxone and try to get a higher dose. That might work. But I understand we all take different paths. Good luck
I am addicted to pain killers and when I'm out like now I do up to 10 bags of H a day my doctor who caused the opiod addiction now wants me to go on methopone. What do I do?
I totally know where sickboy33 is coming from I've been through the same x I think we needed to get to a comfortable point where we could function properly methadone is a long term thing fr pain & withdrawals , I'd definatley they to get on a comfortable dose of what your already on ;) everyone is different the human body is a strong vessel the brain has to guide it lol ,) altho ot doesn't always work that way :/ please go bk to your doc or medicater & ask I've learnt if u don't ask & let them know & b a little more demanding you actually will get what you need so good luck remember if y don't ask u don't get ,) good luck keep well x
I would like to know how low you can go on the meth on 25 mils at the mo Colin from Edinburgh Scotland
I don't know anything about methadone, but, I am on suboxone and was in group with quite a few people who were on it also. I am not a doctor either, but, it sounds like you may need a dose adjustment. All of the people I went to group with attained lasting relief with it. Can you at least call the Doctor and talk to him/her about it and let them know you feel like you are still in withdrawal. There is a test called the COWS test and my doctor made me stay at his office and keep taking it to make sure I was completely comfortable. COWS stands for Clinical Opoid Withdrawal, something or other and it is somewhere on this site as well. It ranks your symptoms from 0 to 4 and if you reach 26 on the test, you usually need more suboxone. I am hoping your doctor gave you this test, if he/she did, keep retaking it and figure out how fast you are reaching 26 again. That will help them figure out what to do. Best of Luck and hoping you will get some relief somehow. Congrats on Making the best change for life.
My experience with methadone was hellish, I stood on a line for years and my advice to you would be to stick it out with the suboxone for a bit. Suboxone for me takes away the craving where methadone just allowed me to stay well and continue to use. Maybe increase the dose fot a couple days but I would stear clear from methadone.
imm tryin 2 get off methadone now nt smthin i would recomend its so hard withdrawl r har i have 6days clean and itss been hell this is y i always go back hate i would nevr tell anyone to get on methadones!!!
meth is from the 70's that was the only thing they had then , fifty years later they have suboxone way better less side effects get back to normal
OMG. Switching from Suboxone to Methadone = jumping from the frying pan into the fire! how do i know? I did it. I was on a suboxone maintenance program and lost my insurance. As you are probably aware, suboxone is EXPENSIVE. Here in MD where i live, it runs about 8 bux a pill, you times that by 60 (the average rx is 2 a day), and there you have nearly $500.00 US dollars. The average person cannot afford that. Many insurance companys will not pay for suboxone, some will. So, my Dr. told me the only option was to kick, or start methadone maintenance. I have chronic pain and the only way you can get a script for methadone is if it's for chronic pain, and the dr. HAS to write "for chronic pain" on the script. I could not, and would not go to a clinic, as i live in the sub urbs and the closest meth. program is a 45 min drive each way. So great, i start taking methadone. Its cheap. A script for 180 of them with no insurance cost me about 11 bux.
So, i took it for almost two years and got a letter in the mail one day, and the letter was from my prescribing dr. stating that he is retiring, and that i needed to find another dr. If you know, and are opiate aware, most dr.'s do not condone the use of narcotics, let alone sign their name to a methadone rx. So, i faced a serious dilemma. WITHDRAWAL.
During my withdrawal, i was hospitalized 3 times, in rehab once, tryed to end my life and was dopesick for 45 days, until i finally caved and used to get some peace, and make it go away. Here i sit, 6 months later, 2 rehabs later, still trying to quit taking opiates. Methadone is the devil. I was just in rehab and there were 6 girls there on the Methadone maintenance program. None of them had their teeth and were under the age of 30. They have all tried to quit, to no avail, cuz its just so hard.
So, if you take NOTHING away from this, take this. Methadone is the hardest, most agonizing withdrawal that exists. Anyone on this forum that has been through it, would agree with me 100%.
Taper the suboxone or the opiates. It can be done. Methadone is somewhere you do NOT want to go. Hope this helps.
Also, I forgot to mention. tell your dr. that you are still experiencing MODERATE withdrawal. they will typically adjust your dose and work with you. Once on methadone, you are in a living, personal prison. It was invented by HITLER, and used to be called Adolfine (Adolf Hitler). Suboxone can help, and the taper and withdraw are like a warm sunny day comparitively to Methadone. Im in no way trying to be pushy, i just would hate for ANY human being to end up where i, or so many others have.
And, as i said, you will be dependant on that clinic and standing in line for as long as is forseeable, unless you have chronic pain. Then and only then, is a Dr. permitted by federal law to write you a rx.
Hope this helps.
Correction needed. Ineedofanswers gave some incorrect information. According to Wikipedia, methadone was invented in 1937 by German scientist, Max Bockmuhland and Gustav Ehrhart, due to an opium shortage. When the drug was later introduced to the United States it was called Dolophine.
Ur so right!even when the dr prescribes it.coming off has been like hell for me.i ended up in the hospital with heart failure.they put me on the f. patch & 40 mg off meth.then when i got back where i live they did a ua & said i tested positve 4 tch wich i dont use pot.so they kicked me out the whole clinic & didnt wien me down.ive had a hard time findint a dr & whe i do they look @ me like im an addict.they wont even help me in the er giving me crazy meds & wont tell me what they r giving me.i wish i hadda stayed on saboxone.there r no methadone clinics near by.im telling u if i could do it over again i would have stayed with the dr i was with listing ot a junky i mean a sho nuff junky! & wouldnt u know they wont help me cause they r so doped up off all th meds.how do people like that get so many meds when a person like me who doesnt abuse meds cant get any.& u cant tell me they dont know when a patient isnt shooting.but thats ok ccause they r going to need me 1 day.get out & stay out!!!
Methadone is probably a bad idea, just give the suboxone some time and it will work better. I say this from experience. I was on the methadone program for years at 200 mgs a day and when they kicked me off they put me on a rapid detox and it wasn't as bad as I thought until I got to 40mgs and below and it was hell. I ended up going back on 30 mg roxicodone pills (about 12 to 15 a day, which is about the equivalent of 360 to 450mg's of oxycodone) to stop the withdrawals. I did that for about a month and then put myself on suboxone. Suboxone is hard to get off of as well but nothing compared to months of withdrawal from methadone. Withdrawal from suboxone feels different from any other opiate in my opinion. It makes me feel extremely nervous and shaky and I can't sleep for nothing. But I've heard if you ween off very slowly it's relatively painless.
Methadone is a full opiod agonist just like heroin or oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine, dilaudid, opana etc., where as suboxone is a partial agonist like tramadol(ultram) etc. And the buprenorphine in suboxone is what blocks other opiates not the naloxone because bupe has a higher affinity than other opiods so even full agonists can't knock them off of your opiod receptors. The naloxone isn't supposed to even get in your system much, that's why the tablets/strips are sublingual. Naloxone doesn't absorb well sublingually, that's why you don't want to swallow it, if you swallow it during the induction period it will put you into precipitated withdrawals, and naloxone has a very short life and half life where as buprenorphine has a very long life and half-life and has a much higher bioavailability sublingually than naloxone. So the moral of the story is stick with the suboxone and take it right, don't swallow or try to abuse it, going to methadone is basically like going back on your opiod of choice but with a huge life and half-life so it takes forever to come out of your system. Sorry for the length of my post but I just wanted you to understand all aspects. And try to stay on suboxone for the shortest amount of time possible because the longer you take it the harder it is to get off of it.
Methodone is really good if you continue to lower ur dose I was on 150 and every week I went down a mill and now Im on 40 Mg u have to want to come off!! Alot of people like being on it so they get hooked for life !!! No pain killers are good!! But if u want to get better mothodibe is the answer!! Good luck!! Never give up u can do it!! Just belive it's hard but it can be done but only if u want it!!
I realize this is old and im not sure where you are now, but its hard getting off sub and much harder getting off methadone. Im on day 4 withdrawing from subs... ya sucks! Hope you are on your way to recovery.
ok i no u post this 2 years ago but i really hope u will read this. i used to take lortabs nothing more i had a friend that went to the methadone center she told me u should go so i went i been there 5 year im on 100 mg i wont to come off but i cant i pay 344.00 a month i have passed all my drug test so i only have to go 1 time a week so i get 6 take home bottle a week but the point of this story is please dont go the the meth center it is hell to come off of it gets in ur bones lucky i have not lost my teeth but lots of people do it makes u gain weight but most of all u cant come off it i been there 5 years try to come off but cant been so sick thought i would die sooooooooooooooooooooooo please dont go it is not good for u if the doc told me if i quit cold turkey i would be in the hosp so to me thats means i could die. they told me to come off 1mg a week ok im on 100mg so that means go 5 more years to come off thats 344.00 a month for 5 more years just please to anyone who will see this if u r thinking about going dont try any and everything but meth it is the devil himself
Suboxone has a half life as long as 3 days. Methadone has a half life as long as 7 days. It is these long half lives that make these drugs difficult to quit. They hide in the fatty tissue in the human body and accumulate over time. They accumulate far more than other opiate drugs do. While a heroin addict might suffer 8 days of physical withdrawal while quitting cold-turkey style, a Suboxone user would suffer up to 3 weeks of physical withdrawal, and a Methadone user would suffer up to 2 months of physical withdrawal. No wonder many patients found these drugs that were supposed to help them rid addiction have become more powerful and addictive drugs instead.
What if you have started Suboxone but have taken one of your Oxy's here and there for the pain? I am not taking 10 a day any more but with the Suboxone I am still having a lot of pain and some days it is soooo bad I have to do something. So I have popped an oxy here and there. How bad is that? What else could I take for the pain?
I am 33. First use of heroin was when i was 16, then i was hooked at 19-20. I have been on and off(mostly on) meth since I was 21. Methadone is not a solution to opiate addiction. Not for me. It basically maintained my abuse without getting sick and without using everyday. for me methadone caused other psyhcological problems and i needed all this other medication, as the taboo goes Benzos compliment methadone real well and I abused. Things got real bad with life and my habits, they got worse and finally I tried Suboxyne.. So far, REAL good.. I am clean and doing well.. Goodluck and please give it another shot
can anyone give me as much info about this COWS TEST PLEASE
Cows test: all I can tell you is you can find it on this site, Laurie is knowledgable, she usually post the link to open it, when you do, read all the questions and write down the number that suites you, of course you need to be honest with yourself otherwise it isnt going to work. if your overall score is above 24, they say its relatively safe to go ahead and start suboxone because your in mild/ moderate sever w/d's. Its a broad range though, some say you should be over atleast 5 but that seems a little low, however, everyone is different and their abuse has been different and it all depends on how long you have been without, depends on what you were taken because of the half life differences, etc. Wish you luck, dont try and cheat it
You’re not gonna reach 26 COWS by being on Subs. Mild withdrawal you can slowly increase your dose. 5 on the COWS, different for each individual. This person is on way too much Suboxone
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oxycontin, suboxone, opiate dependence, opiate withdrawal, heroin, methadone, addiction
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