i have been suffering from opiate addiction and have been on and off using oxycontin 80mg and heroin for the passed 2 years. yesterday i was placed on suboxone induction to help with withdrawals and it is working but only to a certain point. i feel like the relief im getting dosent last as long as it should and i dont really want to increase the dosage i am on 12 mgs total daily ( 8 mgs in the morning and 4mgs at night). even at this point i feel like the sub dosent work as well as it should because i still am experiencing moderate withdrawals and i would like to switch from suboxone to methadone. i was wondering how i would go about doing this ? i am not sure if the psychiatrist i went to yesterday can prescribe methadone or i would to go to a clinic who probably wont accept me because of my age. but i would be willing to give methadone a shot because i know people who it has worked wonderfully for. anyhelp would be greatly appreciated