Hi all, I take a strong vitamin B complex tablet daily to help my liver along. I ran out a few days ago, i want to know how quickly this would/could make a difference to my liver/health? Would i notice any physical symptoms if not taking them for a little while?
Vitamin B for liver health - If I stop how quickly would this make a difference?
Question posted by Delila on 24 March 2012
Last updated on 27 April 2022 by ArshineFeed
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5 Answers
Nutrition b5 is a water-soluble vitamin from the b organization of vitamins. It enables produce power via breaking down fats and carbohydrates. It additionally promotes wholesome skin, hair, eyes, and liver.
Hello. Lots of good suggestions here. In case fish oil bothers you like it bothers me, there is flax seed oil. Does the same.
Has your doc run a vitamin D test on you? Same with the other vitamins. this was very helpful to me. I was in a flareup of my disease, big time, and certain vitamins were in megadoses because liver and kidney were failing.however, if they are not failing, then you can have potential problems. Be Very careful with some. Most will excrete but some become toxic. So have your docs set your limits when a liver or organ is recovering.
Make sure the doc office and the pharmacy know what you are taking. I have drugs that interact with calcium tabs because they contain some magnesium. Have to take calcium for Bone health and thyroid. scheduling becomes part of the formula.
Anyhow, natural products and healthy eating may help you feel better and help with healing. Dark chocolate, not milk chocolate, is very good too.
Wishing you well and better health.
Thanks for the suggestion of Flaxseed oil, I am vegetarian so won't take fish oil : )
All B vitamins perform important functions in our bodies every day, all are water soluable, so it is best if one is taking them, to take them daily. B12 is great for psych patients, i dunno why, but my shrink put me on 1 mcg a month by injection, I used to do it myself until I found those sunlingual melting B12 tabs. I also take B3 or niacin for lowering of cholesterol because I can take NO STATINS. YUCK! But do take niacin, red yeast rice, co q 10, and fish oil along with every thing else, and last week all blood tests came back normal. So apparently eastern medicine and herbal medicine does work. My liver function has always been good, and Delila,I don't think a few day hiatus will do any harm.
Have a Wonderful Spring Day,
The Sweet Hippie
So long as you are in relatively good health, you can last a bit. Vit. B is cheap, so you should be able to get more soon. B100 is the best thing for nerve damage also. I take a lot of B's because each one has a very important function, not just for your liver, but your entire body. Also VERY important is to take a good dose of Vit. D. They are finding out that a lot of chronic pain is due to Vit D deficiency. I take over 4,000 IU daily, but I do have absorption problems. Good luck!
Hi Delila. I guess that would depend on the health of your liver in the first place. Milk thistle & the ammino acid L-Arginine are the best thing for your liver function, & to keep the enzymes down. I'm not positive about the B complex. Did your doctor have you taking this... Mary
Welcome back Mary! Glad your computer is fixed. Delia I take 2500mg of sublingual vitamin B 12, but I take it because it's supposed to help the movements. Glad to know it also helps the liver. I will ask to see if I can get an answer for you but it may take awhile. I would think that as long as you pick it back up as soon as you can it wouldn't have any ill effects. My best to you but I would definitely put in a call to doc just to make sure! Take Care, Lisa Z.
Thanks guys. Yes my doctor prescribes it. I got a new script Friday. I just wondered about not taking them for a week or 2? I was feeling a bit sick. Probably my paranoia though : )
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