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I stopped taking Amitiza, does anyone know how long it takes to leave your system?

4 Answers

Lala7272 8 Dec 2020

I have OIC constipation & have been admitted twice in the last 2 months. I went almost 2mos with no BM. I did every home remedy known to man. The they gave mr colonoscopy cleanse both times inpatient which produced what I thought was a lot. The 2nd admit I had to be taken by EMS bc I was in so much pain my BP was through the roof. It was truly horrible, way worse than an appendix rupture. I also have cancer. Got home took Amitiza 4 days twice a day 8mg & have had the worst bout of diarrhea I've ever had in my life. 1st I was praying to go, now I'm praying it'll stop!!

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Jake me 19 July 2020

Took it for 4 years. Its expensive junk that made my poo like peanut butter. MiraLax is better and a lot cheaper.

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cupcake7667 30 May 2013

May I ask why? I've been on it for a couple years. I swear it does NOTHING. I still have to take senna and I'm up to 12. I gave up on my GI docs. I am going to see an ND and start colonics. I'm literally carrying 15 pounds of waste in my colon. My GI docs say one thing, pain docs say another. I'm so bloated and distended, all the laxatives were making me throw up. It's been a nightmare. Wondering if you found something better. You can send me a PQ if you want. But I finally got so fed up and these Rx laxatives are toxic!!! Dying to hear your story which I hope is successful. Nothing worse!!! Best of luck. Really looking forward to hearing from you! Best!

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kaismama 30 May 2013

It has a short half life. It should be out of your system in about 6 hrs.

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amitiza, constipation - chronic

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