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How do I stop taking Sertraline? Should I just take half tablet every day?


chuck1957 23 Jan 2016

Jvdk; yes yu always want to tapper it down and you could try the 1/2 tablet for a week or two then 1/2 of that for about the same time then you well be on the last 1/4 and if you have problems call your doctor and get directions again very clear on how to do this but the slower you go off the better as far as withdrawals go. or if you start getting negitive effects you are cutting it ot fast. Best of luck you just want it to be as smooth as posible Have a great weekend.

Votes: +1
brettcourt 13 Jan 2016

Hi. I have a lot of experience with sertraline. The way you stop taking this drug is to slowly cut the dosage down little at a time. Hope this helps.

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