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Can I stop taking 15mg remeron after 4 days without any problems?

3 Answers

Elpida 27 June 2018

I have the same question except I took it mirtazapine for 6 days.

Votes: +0
janiebme 27 Jan 2016

Hi anon-
My doctor wanted to prescribe Remeron. I had researched it before he mentioned it. Like you, I did not like the list of side effects, most notably rapid weight gain and the possible withdrawal symptoms. I told my doc I would stick to Amitriptyline 25 mg PM for now. Very slowly tapering off the Amitriptyline 1/4 reduction over 2 week periods. So far no withdrawal symptoms. Check with your doctor regarding discontinuing it.Best of Luck to you :)

Votes: +1
anonymous62 27 Jan 2016

Hi janie... thank you for sharing your experience with me. Unlike you, i didn't research effects of remeron before I started taking it but it didn't take me long to do so as I didn't like what i was experiencing after just a few doses. That's how I found this site, which is truly a blessing for gaining knowledge of what docs don't always tell us. We just want relief from our symptoms at the time. I did eventually hear back from my doc after I already decided to not take another dose of the remeron and she actually replaced it with trazodone. I told her I would stick with the 1mg klonopin 2xday for now as it's working for me. I then read about trazodone and no thank you on that either! I guess I mislead her in thinking I had insomnia or something but it's the anxiety... I don't want or need to be a zombie.


She was fine with what's working for me at moment and I'm glad I stopped the remeron early enough as we believe it wasn't for me anyway. I've not had any withdrawals from stopping the remeron and I'm feeling better and plugged in... not foggy! And the klonopin is taking the edge off and allowing me to sleep:) I believe it was this site and it's vast aray of drug knowledge and awareness available that allowed me to stop using a drug I really didn't need and would've caused more issues. So KUDOS to everyone! Best wishes to you janie, god bless:)

WildcatVet 25 Jan 2016

Hi, anon! After only 4 days you'd likely be fine but one should NEVER stop psychiatric medications except under a doctor's supervision. It was prescribed for a reason and you risk not only discontinuation side effects but also a rebound of the problem you took it for in the first place.
Best wishes, WCV

Votes: +2
anonymous62 25 Jan 2016

Hi WVC, thank you for answering. I called my doc but have not received call back... don't see her for 2 wks and I'm not liking this drug. I was also prescribed 1mg klonopin for anxiety which is helping more. I don't want to get too deep into the remeron that I experience more side effects or withdrawals when stopped. I also take 50mg metoprolol at night and 100mg losartin in am both for blood pressure. I am experiencing side effects from the remeron and frankly, the drug scares me after doing research but not until after I started taking it.

I'm glad I found this site... grateful for the resource and people to reach out to. God bless you:) free discount card

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remeron, depression, anxiety and stress

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