I have been waking up with a painful empty stomach the past month or so, some days worse than others. I also have been throwing up my breakfast or lunch due to not being hungry and feeling nauseous, but this occurs maybe 25-35% of the days. I feel that it might be stress-related, but I also think my brain is freaking myself out and that it could actually be a physical problem. It's weird how I have no appetite in the morning and vomit if I eat, but later in the day and night I'm typically fine. Could this be an anxiety/stress related problem or physical? If physical, what could it be?
Stomach extremely empty in morning and vomiting?
Question posted by sarahp21 on 30 Oct 2018
Last updated on 1 November 2018 by WildcatVet
Hi, sarah! Yes, morning anxiety can be severe but I agree with Springtime that the wise thing to do is make an appointment with your doctor for a complete physical to rule out any underlying cause first.
Then if it is diagnosed as anxiety there are many options available to you... medication and behavioural therapy can be greatly beneficial.
Best regards and I hope you feeling better very soon.
Wow! You poor thing... yes, it sound like stress and/or anxiety. Since I don't know your lifestyle or history, I would ask your doctor and see. There could be all kinds things going on to cause this, whether you're realizing or not. The symptoms you're describing can also sound like morning sickness. I bet you're starved later on in the day after being sick! I wouldn't mess around and wait though. With the holidays upon us, I would get it checked out now, so you don't have to wait on an appointment and/or let it ruin your holiday! Good luck and keep me posted!
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anxiety, nausea/vomiting, anxiety and stress, appetite, stomach
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