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Will a steroid injection help neuropathy pain?

6 Answers

rziez 11 May 2022

Very interesting regarding steroid injections for neuropathies.
The question is: for those of you who have a peripheral neuropathy (pain, tingling etc in the FEET) where on your body did you receive the injection?
Reply greatly appreciated.

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Sassyness73 9 May 2022

Yes. I have 3 different nural tube defects and an abundance of nerve damage from surgeries. For the last 18 years I have been receiving injections for the nerve pain associated with all this and it does help. Normally the relief can last from weeks to months, it just depends on the type of injection given. If you are in excruciating pain, any relief is beneficial. In the meantime, Try not to think about the pain. Occupy yourself so that you don't obsess about pain. Think positive thoughts. If you obcess and complain it really does make things worse. Also, movement is medicine. Yoga, stretching, etc. From a nursing standpoint, that is why we always want to get our patients up and get them moving. See, I bet y'all thought it was because we wanted to torture you, but that isn't it at all!
Use ice and heat and alternate every 15 minutes.

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leesten 3 March 2020

For how long does the steroid injection help the neuropathy pain? Hours, days, weeks?

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LNunnink 3 March 2020

I'm not certain. This is my first steroid injection and research indicates it could last anywhere from several weeks up to two years. Its going to be a 'wait and see' for me. My doctor indicated that he has seen similar neuropathy responses in patients, but the longevity of the steroid effects vary.

leesten 4 March 2020

Please keep us up to date. Most of us, if not all of us, are desperate looking for some sort of pain relief. If anyone else has had experience in neuropathy pain relief from steroid injections, please share your story. Thank you for starting this thread!

LNunnink 3 March 2020

I received a steroid injection five days ago for a neck/back injury. Since two days after the injection, my neuropathy in my feet is virtually non-existent. While the numbness remains, I can climb right out of bed in the mornings without the severe pain I was experiencing previously. Though the injection was not administered to reduce the neuropathy pain, I'm extremely pleased with the unintended results.

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Michael3551 27 Sep 2018

What were your symptons of Neuropathy pain. Thanks Mike

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KKrandle 27 Sep 2018

It does for me. I was having pretty bad neuropathy pain until I got a shot last Friday. It stopped the pain pretty much immediately. Doesnt work for everyone but its worth trying.

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Sandra Heyneman 27 Sep 2018

Find out why you have neuropathy. Why would you want to take something so toxic and bad for your future health? Not worth the temporary relief.

KKrandle 27 Sep 2018

There are different types of shots hon - not all are “toxic” as you suggest. And, Y-E-S, the shots are totally worth it for me. They help me have a pretty normal life with minimal pain. I’ll take that any day over being in constant pain. That’s just me though - for some people, shots don’t help at all. My suggestion is to try it out before judging it.

WildcatVet 9 May 2022

Have you ever experienced severe neuropathy? What treatments would you suggest once the pain is diagnosed? free discount card

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