... have symptoms of depression and my doctor would raise the dose, until I was on 120mg which I’ve been on for quite sometime ( I still had depression and cried all the time). This doctor also prescribes pain medications and I wanted to quit taking them. I decided to quit using these drugs so I went cold turkey, yes I know bad idea but I was angry, angry that no one bothered to mention that Cymbalta was addictive. I am not the type to read all the pages of small print, I keep the paper work in case I have a problem but I have never had any type of allergy to medications or side effects so I don’t read it. I will now. I’m past the 30 days I still feel horrible. I had asked my GP to prescribe a new antidepressant and he gave me Viibryd which is also addictive. I am truly disgusted with both doctors. I feel betrayed and I feel they do not have their patients best interest at heart. I wonder if others feel the same? Any suggestions on a new antidepressant?