I was on 60mg of Cymbalta and 5 mg of Abilify for major depression for many years. I am a 49 year old female and hated the weight gain from the Abilify. Many years ago I was on Lexapro and it did wonders for my major depression but it pooped out after about 14 months. I was also on Wellbutrin and can't for the life of me remember why I stopped taking it because it, too worked wonders for my major depression. Recently, someone told me about augmenting the Lexapro with the Wellbutrin and the combination is worthwhile. Since I am older and going through hormonal changes, even my gynecologist suggested this change so I spoke to my psychiatrist and we did the change. Its only been a week now as I weaned off the Cymbalta and am going on to the Lexapro on Wellbutrin (both generic). So, I am now on 10mg of Lexapro and 150 mg of Wellbutrin, going up to 300 mg of Wellbutrin. Is anyone else on this combination of Lexapro and Wellbutrin? How long before I should feel the effects of the 2 drugs together? This has been a tough week going through the changes of the drugs and I am going through a very tough time in life watching my mom suffering from a rare degenerative brain disease so that isn't helping my major depression! I just want to know if this combination of Lexapro and Wellbutrin has helped anyone else?? THANK YOU SO MUCH.