I’ve been suffering from anxiety and depression lately, so my doctor prescribed me 10mg of lexapro a few days ago. After just two days of taking it, I actually started feeling better! (Less anxiety, less self-defeating thoughts, more calm overall, etc.)

The problem is that even before taking Lexapro, I’ve been suffering from severe insomnia for the past few days (could literally sleep only 2 hours a night - probably induced by depression/anxiety/stress), and I saw that one of the side effects of lexapro is insomnia... Well, as you may have guessed, taking Lexapro for 2 days didn’t improve my insomnia at all, as I got only around 2 hours of sleep again... at this point, I am just DESPERATE to get a decent number of hours of sleep.

I took melatonin tablet 3mg before sleeping last night as well, but that didn’t do anything.

I’m convinced that maybe 10 mg of lexapro is too much for my insomnia, so just this morning (3rd day on Lexapro), I cut the 10mg in half and took 5mg orally and am planning on doing so every day to see if that will affect my insomnia in any way... is this okay to do without consulting my GP?

Also, Does anyone have any recommendation as to what I should do/take for sleeping at night? I havent been able to fall asleep at all, and even if I do, I wake up every like 2 hours...

Any tips/recommendation is greatly appreciated. Thank you!