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Can I take somas with xanax? the Dr. prescribed them to me?

6 Answers

Dandy1199 8 May 2020

Yes ive taken then for years and my some of my family as well Never had any issues with it before. I also take 10mg Norco. I've heard so many stories and doctors refusing to prescribe both as in norcos and somas because of "side effects" which I've never experienced. Thankfully I have a doctor who understands what helps me and if there is no problem then no reason to change it. Also I was in the Marine Corps and have a messed up back and these 3 pills together help me beyond belief. Just take them as prescribed and eat through the day and drink plenty of water and it's been a life saver for me. Thank you for your time

Votes: +0
BuzzVixen 8 Jan 2017

I was wondering about this combo too. Took 4 mg xanax at 3:30 and now I'm taking a 350 soma. What do u all think?

Votes: +0
Anniebananie12 2 Aug 2013

I take both Xanax and Soma, as well as an opiate pain killer. I don't take the Xanax and Soma at the same time, because it would knock me out! That is unless I'm going to bed, in which case it helps me to sleep.
Hope this helps!

Votes: +0
xannyman 30 Jan 2017

I take 2mg xan, bout 5 of em, and just got my soma refilled and took 7. it's a good high. a Lotta ppl don't know that soma has a "benzo" property compounded in it. thats why soma and xan and if ur lucky, bout 3-5 30mg roxeez... best combo to get faded.

xannyman 30 Jan 2017

take all 3 of them together, I'm on it now and boom it's amazing

Nancy Schans 28 Feb 2017

I think drugs are made to help the hurting, sick or people in pain.
Its too bad some folks abuse Soma and Xanax and others. I wish they'd stop. For then the meds ( like Soma, Fiorinal, Xanax etc. ) get blackballed and taken off the market and VERY hard to get from a Dr. The rightfull people that should have it, suffer all because of the few that abuse it. Which makes others suffer needlessly with nowhere to turn. Abusers please think of others and put yourself in someone's else's place. Thanks.

xannyman 1 March 2017

Nancy, if you don't like reading comments about ppl taking drugs, ie. xanax, soma, and roxeezs together, when u have no idea about ones medical issues, don't read it or comment. I fell 90 feet from a drilling rig Derrick and have rods and screws holding my back in place. so ur assumption that I abuse my prescribed drugs is making u look like an idiot. obviously my orthopedic surgeon knows my injuries warrant me getting such meds.

Tx shee 6 July 2017

I believe that to many benzos are very risky to your breathing at night, be careful please

amy_carver7904 2 Aug 2013

I take the the same but I take my xanax first then I wait about an hour and 15minutes then take my soma. I hope that helps you

Votes: +1
Inactive 1 Aug 2013

Not a good idea to take together. Chemical changes occur when meds are mixed and you may not get the results you need, or some could be increased to a dangerous level. Even if prescribed by same doc, I am sure their intention was to help with your problem. Please don't make yourself sick by mixing meds. Take Care...

Votes: +2
Tx shee 6 July 2017

Totally agree with you can be dangerous than they can imagine

Factfinder411 1 Aug 2013

I won't take them together. It's a weird combo because my doctor won't prescribe me both of these. I would take the soma then maybe a couple hours later take the Xanax.

Votes: +0
bearlover35 1 Aug 2013

Thanks I did take them,my Dr. prescribed both of them to me with a 30 milligram Roxie codone...

Factfinder411 2 Aug 2013

I live in Jersey so they are lot stricter with med combos and plus your taking oxycodone. These three are are all downers that's why they shouldn't all be taken at the same time. My doctor put me on soma in place of Xanax when I was on percs and only put me on Xanax if I switched to tramadol. Soma I barely see anyone prescribed it because the abuse rate is so high.

bearlover35 2 Aug 2013

U are so right I lot e in Alabama...

Aine93 23 Dec 2016

3 years later... I take Soma with 1 Vicodin a day and have a butrans patch. Soma is definitely an older medication but it is the only muscle relaxer which does not give me cramps and diarrhea. In fact I have to take Imodium daily in spite of all these drugs.

Tx shee 6 July 2017

I totally agree!

Tx shee 6 July 2017

Possibly ok, but I wouldn't do it and go to sleep together it will slow your breathing down! Be safe free discount card

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soma, xanax

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