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So is meclizine basically the same thing as promethazine?


Msjenny70 2 March 2017

Will meclixine do the same for my nausea that promethazine will do for my nausea

Votes: +0
Rajive Goel 22 Nov 2010

Meclizine hydrochloride (Antivert, Bonine, Dramamine Less Drowsy Formula) is an antihistamine medication used for motion sickness and vertigo. It is available over-the-counter (for motion sickness only) or with a prescription (for motion sickness or vertigo).

Promethazine hydrochloride (Phenergan) is a prescription medication approved for a variety of widely different uses. It is probably used most often as a nausea medication, although it is frequently used for other purposes as well.

Almost the same uses but Meclizine is also available as an OTC, whereas Promethazine is available on prescription.

Votes: +2
oxyaaron 22 Nov 2010

thanks Rajive!

Rajive Goel 22 Nov 2010

Pleasure, Arron, take care, be well mate!

christineATU 22 Nov 2010

Aaron, you can always count on Rajive giving you very accurate information.

Rajive Goel 22 Nov 2010

Thanks, Chris. free discount card

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