It's Saturday. I have Depression and General Anxiety Disorder. I take Wellbutrin 200mg and Concerta 18mg in the morning. I haven't slept in five or six days straight i dont even know... it's all starting to run together now. i'm exhausted and i can feel my depression setting in and worsening because of it... i feel like I should be dying at least by then i'd get some sleep.. i've tried over five sleep medications. My doctor recently put me on xanax 1mg it doesn't do jack squat but slightly relax me, I have a high tolerance to things like that i've been on hydrocodone for five years for my back condition. I was supposed to take seroquil with it but insurance threw a fit about it so I have to wait for the weekday to come and will get it sometime next week. I want sleep so badly I just cry now... should I go to the ER or a after hours clinic? Please help me...