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I’ve skipped over nausea and went right to vomiting. Has Ozempic made others throw up?


rgmaier 21 Nov 2020

I'm a t2 diabetic who gained 25 lbs. on insulin. Changed to Ozempic. Never vomited in 10 months. However I did have bad heartburn, strong queasiness, occasional stomach cramps, and irregular bowel movements. I've found that eating 2-3 candied ginger pieces will make queasiness and/or stomach cramps go away in 10-15 minutes, sometimes for an hour or more. A can of ginger ale or coca-cola helps, but not as good as pure ginger. An antacid has sometimes helped. Also, getting up and walking around helps. If you take Ozempic for weight loss, the weight loss comes from the stomach discomfort, which leads to not eating near as much, or at least drastically changing your diet. I found I couldn't tolerate animal fats, so stopped eating them. I also cut my amount of food by at least 70%-- which is why I lost so much weight. No butter, Ice cream, hamburgers, barbeque, etc either. Just lost my taste for them. It took me several months to find a solution. About a month ago, I cut back from .5 dose to .25 (where everyone starts). This is not mentioned by the manufacturer, but my Endocrinologist said to try it. It seems to be working well. Stomach problems much, much less. But my appetite is returning, and I need to be careful not to start eating big meals again, and have my weight go back up. We'll see how it goes. My blood sugar is up a bit, but in a safe enough range (according to my Dr.). Also, my Medicare Advantage copay for Ozempic is $207/month, so it's saving me $100/month on my drug budget. Good luck with all this. I don't think you'll find this info anywhere else-- certainly not from the drug companies.

Votes: +3
Harborr 12 Dec 2021

Did you find anything that was helpful for the constipation? free discount card

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diabetes, type 2, nausea/vomiting, ozempic

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