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Since taking atenolol I have had bad heart burn,is this normal?

3 Answers

stas76 25 Aug 2016

After having this problem I talked to my pharmicist and he was an old guy and said "let me look up the fillers" and sure enough the brand I was taking had something in it that I cant remember that causes acid indigestion . Changed brands and a miracle. Now I find myself with the same problem as my insurance , I have to go to a certain pharmacy and insurance picks brand. Made in china of course.

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Cyndimoran1 20 March 2017

My atenolol gives me heartburn everytime i take it for 4 years now!! What brand are you using that is better?? I know there are several brands that make tgis generic tenormin-atenolol thanks

stas76 20 March 2017

I am taking mylan atenolol

Cyndimoran1 20 March 2017

Thank you and if you have heard of any manufacturers not in china for atenolol please keep me posted :) thanks again

DzooBaby 19 Oct 2011

As Rajive said, this is not a usual side effect of atenolol but I want to add to be sure that you take it with a full glass of water. Many meds, if taken with too little water, can come to rest low in the esophagus and as it begins to dissolve in the lower end of the esophagus cause a burning sensation. Taking with a full glass of water assures that the pill is washed down well into the stomach. Some medications, if not swallowed completely can actually errode the esophagus so it is important to drink plenty of water when taking meds. Many people take their meds with only a swallow of water which may not get the pills down into the stomach all the way and cause burning. Just a thought.

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lourie 20 Oct 2011

Thankyou,for your reply,you are so right i did only take with a small amount of water,this morning i took it with a large glass of water,and already feel better no burning so far,fingers crossed as the atenolol has bought my blood pressure down considerably,so i must bare with it,thankyou both for your quick response.

Rajive Goel 19 Oct 2011

Heart burn with atenolol has not been reported as its side effect, maybe its due to some other cause, talking to the doc/pharmacist would be a good idea.

Take care, best wishes!

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Cyndimoran1 20 March 2017

Yes it gives me heartburn as well, i researched and found that it does cause heartburn. Arenolol relaxes the sphincter in the stomach so the gastric acids/juices reflux back up.. it sucks!

Cyndimoran1 20 March 2017

Typo.. atenolol free discount card

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atenolol, gerd, heart

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