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Should I take Citalopram and amlodipine together? Do they counter act?


marjorie zych 9 June 2010

You may want to separate the Citalopram (Celexa) and the Amlodipine (Norvasc) because the Citalopram can also lower your blood pressure some. You can take the Citalopram in the morning and the Amlodipine at night or the other way around if it is o.k. with your doctor to do so. If the doctor wants you to continue them together than just be careful when getting up that you don't rise to quickly and if you are lying down, sit on the edge for a few minutes then get up slowly so you don't get too low of a blood pressure and faint. If you are not on a fluid restriction you should drink plenty of fluids (not alcohol--bad mix) to keep yourself balanced as well. You may want to stay away from salt as well, it can be more drying or make your blood presure rise and defeat the purpose of the Amlodipine. Hope this little tidbit helped some. Good luck, marjorie zych

Votes: +2
grizgal77 9 June 2010

Thank you so much! free discount card

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amlodipine, citalopram

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