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What is the shelf life of Gabapentin?

5 Answers

Edward Cooper 2 July 2019

It has a shelf life of 5 years, and since the date on you med is different than the bottle that the pills were taking from—You drug should be good until 2019–

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trevinocarmen 14 Sep 2018

What is the shelf life gabapentin
I have some from May 2017
Is it still good to take?

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chuck1957 15 April 2016

Gerard; Gabapentin has a good shelf life on it the expire date on the prescription bottle in many cases are not the correct date it's a pharmacy override that puts 6 months to a year from the time it is filled. We can shorten the date but of course not extend the date and almost all of the Gabapentin has at least a 5-year shelf life and nothing in this as it breaks down that is harmful it does not get toxic I am very confident that it is just fine. WHAT MANY OF MY CUSTOMERS used to do if this was not something they were going to use up right away is ask me to type the correct date on the bottle or write it on with a pen .


Most people don't need the true because it should be used up in the 6 month period if taken as prescribed.And there are factors once it leaves the pharmacy that can shorten the date like people that do dumb things like keeping their medicine in the bathroom, or a window sill the best place to keep medication that you are holding is in the back of a kitchen cupboard where it is dark and pretty well-controlled temp. To get the maximum shelf life out of any medication your not going to use right away. take it, it's fine

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chuck1957 15 April 2016

PS Also a good place to store medication is in a dresser drawer where it is dark and you can put your close over them so people don't find them. Just some food for thought.

Inactive 14 April 2016

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norristerri56 14 April 2016

It lasts between 2 to 5years

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