is there any chance of getting pregnant
I had sex with my girlfriend I used condom and pull out method but still she is late for her period?
Question posted by ronaldjaug1995 on 10 Oct 2014
Last updated on 10 October 2014 by DzooBaby
Men leak thousands of sperm LONG before they ejaculate. Even if you dont see anything (sperm is microscopic) it is there. If there is penetration, there is a chance for pregnancy! If there was a small hole, even microscopic, in the condom, she could get pregnant. There are other reasons for delayed periods though. If she is stressed out about pregnancy, it could delay her period. The only way to know for certain if she is pregnant is to test. She should wait until she is a week or more late and use the very first void (pee) in the morning because it is the most concentrated. You should really be thinking about a more reliable form of birth control. Pulling out does nothing. It is a wasted gesture since sperm is released long before ejaculation occurs. Granted, the majority are released during ejaculation but it only takes one! Condoms are an "iffy" form of birth control and not nearly as reliable as some of the others. It relies a lot on the users competence. There can be not penetration without a condom or pregnancy risk rises exponentially. It is best to use spermicide with a condom in case there are any microscopic leaks. You should always examine a condom carefully when putting it on to look for small tears or holes and most men do not do this in their excitement. User error is very high with condoms, especially without spermicide. Her best bet is a form of hormonal birth control, be it birth control pills, a vaginal ring, an implant like Implanon or Nexplanon or an IUD. These are very effective when used properly. Condoms along are only about 70-80% effective (or less depending on how well you use them) where most hormonal birth control is 98-99.9% effective (also depending on which method and how consistently and properly it is used-birth control pills, for instance become less effective if they are not taken daily and on time where methods like implants, IUD's and Depo-Provera injections are more fool proof because once they are done, the only thing to remember is to replace them on time). Birth control is widely available. Most towns/cities have low cost or free family planning clinics where girls can get birth control and generally parental consent is not needed. It is just plain stupid to be sexually active an not use birth control so I am happy to see you are at least using condoms but they are probably not the best choice for birth control. They are better for preventing STDs when using another form of birth control. Good Luck!
If you had sex there is always a chance of pregnancy unless you're using a good birth control. Pulling out is NOT a method of birth control. If you are sure the condom didn't break or leak she is probably safe. If you use a spermicide with a condom you'll have extra protection.
but the semen never relesed inside i masterbuate out side the vagina
and why she is late for her period
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