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Seroquel - I restarted zoloft 8 weeks ago and it didn't work out, had constant anxiety.


masso 16 Feb 2022

Can you be more specific?

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Jonut 16 Feb 2022

Hi Masso
Sorry only the header posted on the original post. I was on zoloft for 8 years and decided go off. Big Mistake! so I tried to go back on zoloft and had to stop because I was experiencing way too much anxiety and my GP said to go off of it and to talk to a Phyc. So my new Phyc put me on 25mg of Seroquel. I am now on Seuquel for 1 week and getting the sleeplessness, numbing of extremities, and feeling like i want to fall to the floor in the morning. My questions are: is Seroquel a good drug for depression and anxiety? is it a bad idea to start up with this particular drug? do these side effects go away?
Thank you

masso 16 Feb 2022

Seroquel is quite a good and strong medication, it belongs to the drug class of atypical antipsychotics meaning it has less potential side effects than the older ones, what you are experiencing is common, this med is very sedating.
Yes , it is prescribed off-label to treat the symptoms of anxiety, GAD (general anxiety disorder) and depression and is effective, remember that everyone reacts differently to medications.
I have been on Seroquel for over 20 years for bipolar disorder, and have noticed my anxiety levels are less and with regards to depression I have always been more manic (99.9%) than depressive, thank God.
Hang in there the side effects should subside within a week to 10 days, you will get there.

masso 16 Feb 2022

sorry: GAD (generalized anxiety disorder).

Jonut 16 Feb 2022

Hi Masso
I am on this now for 1 week and last night was no sleep and this morning i went in the shower and felt like I was going to pass out to the floor, is this normal? will this side effect go away?

masso 16 Feb 2022

No, it is not normal, you must contact your Dr. asap.

Jonut 16 Feb 2022

Hi Masso
I dont feel fait now but just for that moment, do you think that might be a side effect if it was a one off episode or do you think that is not normal. Also i feel some anxiety, is it normal to need to take a half of a xanax during the upstart of this medicine?
Thank you

masso 16 Feb 2022

The point is feeling like you may pass out is a side effect which must be informed immediately to your Dr., even if you just felt it once, what if it happens again and you faint and hurt yourself (while being out in the street, walking, jogging, driving when you are able, etc.)
If the benzodiazepine was prescribed to you by the same Dr. that prescribed Seroquel then yes you can take it, if not call your Dr. and ask, there is a moderate interaction between both Xanax and Seroquel, click on the link:,1979-1274
Anxiety is considered a normal side effect affecting 1% to 10% of people being treated with Seroquel an should subside within a week to 10 days.

Jonut 16 Feb 2022

Oh Ok because i took a half a xanax last night, do you think that could have interacted in the morning? have you taken xanax along with Seroquel?

masso 16 Feb 2022

I take klonopin (Clonazepam) with Seroquel.

And no, the interaction would not take place 10 hours later, it would be immediate, it would take 45 minutes or so.

Contact your Dr..

Jonut 16 Feb 2022

Yes I called the Dr and I am awaiting a return call. How does the Klonopin work for you? have you ever tried the xanax? if you so you get a reaction? do you think I should ask her for Klonopin instead of the xanax?

masso 16 Feb 2022

The Klonopin works very well, as I am Bipolar and this benzo treats bipolar symptoms, if you are fine with Xanax do not experiment with a different benzo.

Good that you called your Dr..

Jonut 16 Feb 2022

Ok thank you, if you don't mind may I ask you how often do you take the Klonopin? I ask because wanted to know from another fellow seroquel suer if it is normal to take one some in the morning then in the evening and get by relatively safely

masso 16 Feb 2022

You are welcome, I take Klonopin as needed, it was prescribed to me that way.
f it prescribed to you both in the AM and the PM then yes you are fine, I am not a big fan of benzos, so I try to not to take too many, if it is not prescribed to you as I mentioned, stick to a minimum.

Jonut 17 Feb 2022

Hi Masso
Ok I heard back from the doctor and she said that it is normal if you rush around in the morning from the bed to the shower to get a faint feeling and that i should move a bit more slowly in the morning. But have you ever had a slight numbing and slight tingling in the hands and feet? i have read this is common in some ssris. Lastly, as you know I tried to restart zoloft for 8 seeks and all it did for 2 months was to give me ans 8 week rolling constant panic, I was taking 4 benzos a day just to cope. So my GP said to go to the Phyc and the Phyc said to start up Seroquel. On the Seroquel i seem to need only 1 benzo per day, so to me this 1 week Seroquel start up seems better for my medium grade depression, and GAD. Anything is better than thay 8 week long Zoloft restart HELL. My question is this and i know you are not a doctor but i am just looking for an opinion here.


do you think the 8 week zoloft restart attempt did at least something to get at least some more serotonin in the brain and make some progress at least? I hate to think that 8 week long Panick was for nothing at all, and that want to look at as Seroquel as a continuation of serotonin therapy as opposed to a complete start up from square one.
Thank you
Best Regards

masso 18 Feb 2022

I believe you are not starting from scratch, everything helps, and now with Seroquel you will soon begin to feel better and better again, and a positive aspect is that you do not need benzos so much. free discount card

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seroquel, zoloft, anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder

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